Artificial sweetener aspartame 'is safe'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The artificial sweetener aspartame is safe and poses no threat to health, European food regulators conclude.

The European Food Safety Authority brought forward its review, planned for completion by 2020, at the request of the European Commission.

Since it came into use in the 1980s, a number of medical studies have questioned aspartame's safety.

The EFSA says it left "no stone unturned" during its full risk assessment.

As well as looking at the available clinical evidence, the EFSA said it listened to stakeholders and considered over 200 comments submitted to its online public consultation.
This doesn't surprise me (nor should surprise anyone with a basic schoolkid knowledge of biochemistry), as the breakdown products of aspartame are aspartic acid and phenylalanine ? which occur naturally in nearly all foods, in vastly greater quantities than are due to aspartame use; so if aspartame were one-tenth as toxic as the hoax would have us believe, we would all long-since be dead of all those nasty diseases. 😱

Just goes to show; not everything you read is true, especially not on websites, as many if not most of those are crackpot. 🙄

(But it's amazing what people will beleve; there's "Dr." Young's idea that all disease, without exception, is caused by an imbalance of acid in food intake (another failure of Biology 101; the stomach is far more acidic than anything which can safely be put into it, and nothing anyone eats can alter this); there's the nutcase called Moronjustice or something, whom I used to see on Usenet and who reckoned that all disease, without exception, is caused by the presence of iron in the diet (he had clearly never heard of anaemia, for a start); and there was the belief of the early homoeopaths that all disease, without exception, is just a variation of itching (though this idea has now been dropped as too silly even by homoeopathy's low standards)... hmmm, do I see a pattern here? 🙂
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