artificial light therapy might help autoimmune diseases like MS & type 1 diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This appeared on our local news at six
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Some studies have suggested a link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases such as MS. This possible link might also explain the increasing prevalence of autoimmune disease among those living far from the equator, where there are lower levels of winter sun.

Autoimmune diseases - like MS and type 1 diabetes - are diseases where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues or harmless substances that enter the body.
Hmmm... my Dad has suffered from very bad psoriasis for about 20 years. It's also autoimmune. About 3 years ago he had treatment with UV light and now it has virtually cleared up! So is it really a breakthrough I wonder? Unfortunately, he has developed a skin cancer, probably due to the treatment - but the good news is that it is an easily treatable form 🙂
sorry about dad Alan as for the story it is a start but as they said there is still a lot of work to be done.
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