Arthritis breakthrough could end agony for millions of sufferers

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
MILLIONS of Britons could be spared the agony of crippling arthritis pain after a major breakthrough by scientists.

They have developed a pioneering simple new technique to generate cells which can go on to re-grow damaged cartilage and even bone.

The process offers major hope for people suffering in daily pain from the degenerative joint condition.

It paves the way for a quick treatment - possible as a single injection of the stem cells - directly into the effected joint to end the agony.

At least 8.5 million Britons suffer from osteoarthritis which is caused by wear and tear on joints where the cartilage that cushions movement is worn away.

Bones then come into contact with each other and the friction makes joints swollen and extremely painful.

Now, researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Centre in the US, have used a combination of small molecules to generate mouse cells that can form bone and cartilage.
Ooh, sounds wonderful if it works on us humming beans, I've forgotten what it's like not to be in pain from the arferitis. Now if only they can fix the diabetes too.
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