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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Then I'll begin... First off I bet most of you are to young to remember that.

As a long term layabout currently pulling a sicky, it wasn't much of a surprise to me when I was summoned by the Jobsworths to an interview. Imagine my amazement then when I found I wasn't being hauled in to discuss ways of getting back to work, oh no. This was a discussion aimed at getting me the support I need to learn to live with diabetes. My gaster has never been so flabbered.

In a half hour chat I was told about various services available in the Highlands that I can make use of, including counselling, which you may recall my doctor said would take a year. With this bunch I can probably get to see someone next week. It seems the DWP has got together with the NHS to provide a service for people with chronic health issues to provide support and advice as well as access to extra funding.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I almost sang the first 40 verses of the Hedgehog Song in celebration.

Upshot, someone will call me next week to set up an appointment with a counsellor, to be followed at some point by an appointment with a diabetic specialist who can advise on diet, exercise, etc., etc., and so on.

I am a happy bunny, well relatively speaking, on a scale of 1 to winning the lottery, I'd say I'm about a 5. All I need to do now is get my numbers back down where they should be.
Thats great news and not something you get everyday! Let me know how it goes....
Thats great news Alison, and thanks for pointing me towards the hedgehog song I'd forgotton about it, hilarious!!

Hope you have a good weekend/friday night.

Take care.

Then I'll begin... First off I bet most of you are to young to remember that.

Firstly, I'm afraid I am one of the ones who CAN remember that beginning ! Oh well, the Good Old Days eh ?

Secondly, it's great news about the support you are now being offered - grab it with both hands and anything else on offer (down girl !).

Best of luck -
Oh yes, Alison, I remember that............................................. 🙄

Sounds like a brill service you're getting up there north of the border........

That's brilliant news. I hope it works out and you get loads of support and everything you need.
Thats great news, I hope you get the support you need. x
Thats great Allison. Getting things directly through the NHS often takes so long. I recently had counselling through work and had an appointment within a week. I'm sure I'd still be waiting if I was getting it through my GP.
The counselling service is something I really want. There's times when I desperately need to sit down with someone and talk through what's going on in my head. I really struggle with it all some days. I don't like taking the happy pills either, they don't help you deal with the problem, they only mask the symptoms. This way I get a course of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) which should give me the tools I need to turn myself around.

Isn't it crazy that the DWP can put you forward for this and get it right away while you'd have to wait a year going via your doctor? No matter, I'll take all the help I can get, whoever offers it.
That really is amazing Alison! 😱 Goodluck with it all, hope it helps you lots x
wow result hey...they are really trying to get the benefit numbers down! hope they are good xx
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good luck alisonm ,hope i get the same chance im long time sicky as well in sunny glasgow a small fishing village on the clyde lol
yaaaaaaaay, great news allison, let us know how it goes!
It's good to know that some parts of the UK sound to be operating how they ought to be. Please let us know what sort of advice you receive.

I hope that it won't be the "do not test" and "eat plenty of starchy carbohydrate" advice that is given out so extensively to non-insulin dependent Type 2s.
Then I'll begin... First off I bet most of you are to young to remember that.

I'm not too young to remember that...😱

Well done, you're hopefully going to get a good service.

Have you made a list of what you want? Free BG strips for example?

Getting your numbers down is a good idea.... The guys at work think I live by my meter... however I have the lowest HbA1c.... Hopefully I'll delay complications.
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