Are you addicted to the white stuff?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
We might be in the midst of the worst economic downturn in living memory, but for many women life has never been sweeter. In homes and offices all over Britain, millions of us grab a sugar fix or two to get us through the day, whether it?s an iced cupcake, a bar of chocolate or a can of Coke.
Sugar consumption has tripled in the past 50 years and now accounts for a fifth of our total calorie intake. And it?s women more than men who are turning to sweet snacks to help them cope with stress, long working hours and money worries. Sugar is a quick fix to boost our energy levels and lift our moods ? and we?re fast becoming a nation of addicts. That?s the nature of sugar: one mouthful leaves you wanting more.
I can well believe it. Our office of 30, predominantly women, is chock full of biscuits, tins of chocolates and cupcakes. It has certainly been an effort of will not to go within range of their siren call. For most, the first thought to get through the day - whether it be stress or boredom is to hit the snack boxes. It has only been the background thought of "you're diabetic now" that gives me the will power to ignore the treats myself.
Yep, sounds like my office too. 9_9;;

I'm very strict with snacks anyway (been diabetic 22 years odd so had plenty of practice). Means more insulin to inject which often I can't be bothered with. However, if I decide I want to have a treat like that (like when birthday cakes come around), I try to add it to my lunch break instead. That doesn't happen very often though.

I do have a bit of a high sugar diet... I love my fruit so that's usually the main culprit.
Nah, except when I'm depressed, it's less messy than shooting myself (we do have a very unpredictable family who wind me up unmittigatingly at times, usually I can rise above it but sometimes, except when they are all at it (well there 's one half that never do but the other half sure make up for it) and thinking what I'd like to do to them doesn't cut it.

Yes they do know the effect they have on me, even when I had a complete mental breakdown they didn't let up, and as they are my husband's children and grandchildren, I cannot just walk away. And yes he's tried too. But then you have the guilt ......
Seen the title and thought of something completely different to sugar:D
Whats wrong with snow Alan?🙂
Whats wrong with snow Alan?🙂
depends wot kind of snow we are talking about this from someone who used to have a habbit on that kind of snow (been clean for 2 years now)
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