Are you a woman with type 2 diabetes? Tell us about your views on taking part in cancer screening in a research interview.

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Relationship to Diabetes
We are looking for women with type 2 diabetes, who are aged 50 to 74 and live in England, to take part in a research interview about their experiences of and views on cancer screening (please see the below poster).

If you are interested in the study and might like to take part, please contact me at or 0113 812 7662.

This study has been approved by CherrelleDUK.

Study advertisement poster V1 28:12:21 (Final 2).jpg
Rebecca Spencer, PhD Student
Psychology / Leeds School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University
Tel: 0113 812 7662
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I'm not eligible - but am intrigued to know why anyone's attitude to cancer screening would differ enough just because they happen to have Type 2 diabetes, to warrant a survey?
I'm not eligible - but am intrigued to know why anyone's attitude to cancer screening would differ enough just because they happen to have Type 2 diabetes, to warrant a survey?
Thank you for your question. Some previous research suggests that women with diabetes take part less often in cancer screening. We are talking to women with type 2 diabetes to learn more about if their diabetes affects their participation in cancer screening or not. We want to understand ways that having diabetes might make it more difficult to take part in cancer screening, and identify ways to make cancer screening easier for women with diabetes.
Good grief!! What the hell's ever been 'difficult' about it !! You have got to want to though, obviously! I admit freely that men don't engage with their own health as much as women seem to - going for a smear or to have your boobs squished is far more 'difficult' than requesting a blood test for PSA admittedly - but there are still GPs who try and put blokes off - because it isn't absolutely a case of yes you have prostate cancer or no you absolutely don't - but there again neither is a cervical smear or a mammogram - it's just a start - but unless you make a start you'll simply not know - so by the time you have real incontravertible symptoms of the cancer so can't ignore it any more it could be that far progressed nothing can be done. Just silly!
What does this involve please?
Hello, thank you for your question. This research involves taking part in one interview. You will talk to the researcher about your experiences and views on cancer screening. We will ask you about your participation in cancer screening and if your diabetes affects this or not, and your views on how taking part in cancer screening could be made easier for women with diabetes.

The interview will last 30-60 minutes, but it depends on how much you want to say. We will arrange a date and time for the interview that suits you, and you can also choose where the interview takes place (e.g. on Zoom, over the phone etc.).

If you would like me to send you an information sheet with some more details about what taking part in the research interview involves, please send me an email on or contact me on 0113 812 7662. Thank you.
Hello, thank you for your question. This research involves taking part in one interview. You will talk to the researcher about your experiences and views on cancer screening. We will ask you about your participation in cancer screening and if your diabetes affects this or not, and your views on how taking part in cancer screening could be made easier for women with diabetes.

The interview will last 30-60 minutes, but it depends on how much you want to say. We will arrange a date and time for the interview that suits you, and you can also choose where the interview takes place (e.g. on Zoom, over the phone etc.).

If you would like me to send you an information sheet with some more details about what taking part in the research interview involves, please send me an email on or contact me on 0113 812 7662. Thank you.
Hiya. No, I won't bother thanks. If it was online to answer questions, I would do it, but I don't want a face to face or a phone call.
One thing I will say is that I really don't see how diabetes affects screening. I have all my screenings, no problem. I also was diagnosed with breast cancer last year because of me going to my screening.
Hiya. No, I won't bother thanks. If it was online to answer questions, I would do it, but I don't want a face to face or a phone call.
One thing I will say is that I really don't see how diabetes affects screening. I have all my screenings, no problem. I also was diagnosed with breast cancer last year because of me going to my screening.
That’s fine, no worries. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in this study so far.

We are still looking for women with type 2 diabetes to take part in a research interview about their views on cancer screening (please see the below study poster for more information).

If you are interested in the study and might like to take part, please contact me on or 0113 812 7662.

We are looking for women with type 2 diabetes, who are aged 50 to 74 and live in England, to take part in a research interview about their experiences of and views on cancer screening (please see the below poster).

If you are interested in the study and might like to take part, please contact me at or 0113 812 7662.

This study has been approved by CherrelleDUK.

View attachment 20825
Rebecca Spencer, PhD Student
Psychology / Leeds School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University
Tel: 0113 812 7662
Hi I am under 50 but my hyperplasia started over ten years aGo and is linked to Pcos and diabetes, biopsy showed with changes at age 30, happy to be interviewed
Hi I am under 50 but my hyperplasia started over ten years aGo and is linked to Pcos and diabetes, biopsy showed with changes at age 30, happy to be interviewed
Hi, thank you so much for getting in touch to express your interest in taking part in a research interview. I'm really sorry, but unfortunately I am only able to interview people who are within the age range 50 to 74, as this is what is covered by my ethical approval. The minimum age of 50 was decided on for this study, as this is the age when women in England are first routinely invited to take part in NHS breast screening. This is a shame, as it would have been really interesting to hear about your views and experiences. Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch.
Hi I have just emailed, the flyer doesn’t include hyperplasia so have mentioned in my email as was triggered by diabetes.
Realise not the target age but hyperplasia is a huge issue for young female sufferers snd nothing is being done re screening unless you have fertility issues.
Hi everyone, we are still looking for the last few participants to take part in this research study.

Are you a women with type 2 diabetes? If so, please consider taking part in a research interview about your views on cancer screening (please see below poster).

If you are interested in the study and might like to take part, please contact me on or 0113 812 7662. Thank you.

Study advertisement poster V1 28:12:21 (Final 2).JPG
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