Are they a good idea. Thinking about asking my Diabetic team about having one?

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@Marjorie - you have not told us what it is you are thinking about!
I don't know what they are called, have an implant in your arm and app on phone tells you when you need to have insulin and how much. I know nothing about them, just a friend said she has one.
I don't know what they are called, have an implant in your arm and app on phone tells you when you need to have insulin and how much. I know nothing about them, just a friend said she has one.
Don’t think this exists

You must be thinking of a sensor like a libre or a dexcom

And an insulin pump

There are some that talk to each other to adjust the insulin automatically but you still need to tell it what carbs you’re eating and I haven’t heard of any that tell you what insulin to take other than the standard bolus calculator which anyone can download an app for free

Perhaps your diabetes management needs a review before you think about whether either a pump or a sensor would help

Do you count carbs and adjust your insulin doses? Do you finger prick or use a libre?
I must be confused again, had a stay in hospital back in January because I had a bad reaction to Metformin, which doc kepted increasing because it wasn't bringing my blood levels levels down, nightmare with stall symptoms that still affect me, can't cope with understanding anything new. At the moment I count carbs and finger prick.
You could ask for a libre sensor to get a better view of your glucose levels. If you already count carbs and adjust doses then you could set up an app like the MyLife or MySugr bolus calculators to help calculate your insulin doses (you have to put in all the information and sense check the dose still but it does the maths)

Both of those should be things you can get free (though libre sensor depends where you live as you’re T2, not available in my area to T2) and quickly to help you. A pump is much harder and longer process to get. They’re not available at all to T2s.
Its understandable to feel frightened, but we've all felt the same at times. A continuous glucose monitor (cgm) like libre is a really good idea and made me feel less worried about things... you can outsource some of the worrying about blood sugars to it as it will alarm if you go low.
I must be confused again, had a stay in hospital back in January because I had a bad reaction to Metformin, which doc kepted increasing because it wasn't bringing my blood levels levels down, nightmare with stall symptoms that still affect me, can't cope with understanding anything new. At the moment I count carbs and finger prick.

I wonder of your friend was talking about a ‘hybrid closed loop’ insulin pump @Marjorie

There’s an overview of the technology here

But as @Lucyr says - these systems are designed for people with T1 diabetes, and aren’t generally intended for use by people with T2 diabetes.

Do speak to your Dr about your worries and the way you are feeling. Hopefully they will be able to provide some reassurance, and help support you with any particular challenges you are facing.
I presume you are type 1?
Sorry, you said metformin it will be t2. You say you are confused and finding it hard to think that due to diabetes worries or do you think its more generalised?
I think talking to you gp/ diabetes team is an excellent idea, but this place is here forxany support we can offer
I feel like my mind is going and I am so frightened, I just don't feel quite right.

Definitely speak to your GP about this @Marjorie It could be caused by so many things. Speaking to someone and getting some help and reassurance would be really sensible.

How are you getting on with the insulin? Are you fully recovered after your hospital stay? Diabetes can be very wearing when you have other things going on. How are your blood sugars now? Low, high and erratic blood sugars can make you feel rough.

Well done on not driving. What a sensible and responsible thing to do!
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