Are back from Clinic, not sure how I feel

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
We are back!! We spent over an hour with the DSN, no Doctors in the house today.

Carol's been put on the waiting list, as they want a few kids/teenagers together to have a pump showing(or whatever she called it). But I had to repeat it about 5 times that the consultant wanted to put Carol on the pump,and that he offered it to her twice already. She stressed to Carol that she really has to be committed to it and that she will need to test 6 to 8 times a day. And that, if she doesn't show enough committment, they would take the pump off her again, as it is reeeeaaaallly expensive. She also mentioned how easily you could get DKA on a pump. I have a feeling she wasn't keen on putting Carol on the list.

We have to reduce the Levemir by 1 and also reduce her lunchtime ratio to 1 1/4 per 10g carb. I'm not holding out much hope, as we've reduced before and she immediately went high all the time. But we'll try.

She is also going to see the podiatrist, as her nails aren't in good shape (I asked the DSN to look at Carol's nails). She hasn't got ingrowing ones yet, but I feel prevention is better than cure.

Oh, and her HbA1C is 6.9%🙂 So, well done Steffie!!:D
Hi Monica, shame you didn't get to see the consultant, but good that she is now on the waiting list - hope the pump parade isn't too far away! I think sometimes HCPs like to tell us how expensive everything is, like it's our fault or something. It's a huge thing to contemplate, so it's hardly surprising you and your daughter are unsure about things, so I think that it would have been better if the DSN had just been hugely positive about the benefits of the pump (whilst of course being honest about the work required to go along with it).
Thanks Alan.
I don't know when the "parade" (LOL) is. She said that 2 kids are actually going on the pump tomorrow.
Good news about being on teh waiting list. Shame Nursie felt th eneed to wade in with all the financial guilt and horror stories up front 🙄

Hope the waiting list wait is a short one and that you get good support when you start your's and Carol's pumping journey.
Well done with the HbA1c🙂

Your DSN sounds just like ours! K doesnt like her so when she's being 'The Doctor' too K just goes all quiet (hence our impending visit with the psycologist:( ) I dont know why they have to be so negative - some people are just no good with kids but still end up working with them. Our Dsn is great when it comes to dealing with adults (I had a really productive visit with her at K's school yesterday) but she never listens to a word K says 😡

Dont know about changing the Levemir and C's ratio all in one go - K's specialist told us not to do both at once - we are having to wait til clinic next week to see if we should increase levemir by yet another unit (that will be 17) or if we should split it. Had to increase K's ratio just before half term but her activity levels are different during hols so got to give it another week:(. My brain hurts!

Anyway assume you changed the Levemir last night so I'm hoping C isnt too high today (((hugs))) to you both.
What annoys me too, this DSN is new and this was our first proper consultation with her.(She weighed and measured her the last few times, but that's all) So, this was really our "First" time we'd met her and interact. When I showed her the readings, she couldn't make heads or tails of it and had to ask the other DSN's opinion. This didn't really fill us with confidence. And I felt she didn't want to listen to what I had to say. Unfortunately, when Carol said that she wanted one, because her aquaintance had one, she probably thought Carol was just a follower (of fashion). But Carol didn't mean it that way. She meant that now she knows more about it and has actually seen someon with one, it's not such a scary thought.

We were also told to do a bloodtest at 2hrs after dinner/tea, not at bedtime, which could be up to 4 hrs later. So she grudgingly did last night and was 3.9. She had some food, less Levemir and she was 3.9 again this morning. She'd been awake for an hour before though, as it is her sister's birthday today (lying in our bed, watching sis opening cards and presents)

As Carol is only changing lunch ratio, I don't think it matters too much about doing the levemir and rapid at the same time. We'll see tonight.

On another note: Carol is now taller than me :(
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