Are all of you mad?

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We are not angry, we are worried about you and trying to help. There are some things like hypos where you say you understand how to treat them but from your posts it is clear that you don’t treat them properly. You are the only person who can manage your diabetes, we can’t do it for you. We can make suggestions but that’s all, if you want to have less hypos and better hypo awareness then you do need to make sure you are strict about treating them properly.
I actually try my best. And i try to learn more and more. If you guys dont want me here a can leave. I dont want to make People thinking i am dum ore make you angry.
Also, sometimes people are just busy 🙂 Members here work and have families. It’s not always possible to respond to every post or every person. When we don’t reply to a post, it doesn’t mean we’re angry or that we don’t care. The most likely answer is that we don’t have time.
It wS not that i ment inka.
Of course i understand that.

But i feels like i Just to more bad here and good.

Never ment that. I am grateful for all help, feel stupid and make Just all worse because of this.

I am sorry.
There’s no need to apologise @Stressabeccy You haven’t done anything wrong 🙂 People aren’t angry with you here🙂 They are just worried.
Hi @Stressabeccy, as @Inka says, no one here will be angry with you. People don't think you are dumb. Like all of us you are here to try and understand and help your diabetes. I often feel I'm being dumb when it comes to diabetes, but no one judges me when I ask what is probably a silly question! So please try to feel comfortable with us 🙂
Okei i Will try vonny.❤️
But pleade if you guys dont want me here please be honest. My blood sugar dropped again to 3.2 and i didnt feel nothing at all. But Just chect. I dran for me this is is normal now. 2.5 dl Coke and IT stables at 4.1 one thing i did right. Lost 3. 5more kilograms.gonna check my bmi
Are you trying to lose weight @Stressabeccy, or is it coming off due to the diabetes? 20.8 is better than my 21.5! 🙂
Okei i Will try vonny.❤️
But pleade if you guys dont want me here please be honest. My blood sugar dropped again to 3.2 and i didnt feel nothing at all. But Just chect. I dran for me this is is normal now. 2.5 dl Coke and IT stables at 4.1 one thing i did right. Lost 3. 5more kilograms.gonna check my bmi

@Stressabeccy Either you are having too much Toujeo or you’re having too much mealtime insulin or not enough carbs.

On your other thread people mentioned “hypo unawareness”. That is very dangerous. I’m not sure what you’d call it but literally it’s ‘uvitenhet om hypoglykemi’. It is dangerous because your body cannot feel the hypo any more. So you could become unconscious before you realise your blood sugar is dropping. This is very dangerous and potentially fatal.

If you try to keep your blood sugar above 5.5mmol always that can help. Ideally, you’d keep it higher for weeks. This can re-train your body to be aware of hypos again.
Okey i read it 3 times to be shoure i understand because it is importent.
I am scared myself ut i dont know why. I know an read and understand all of What you guys are writing. I take it in my head and traning to repeat it over and over again. I Will learn. I am determent
If you don’t want to reduce your insulin, you could eat more carbs at your meals. Are you able to get the Freestyle Libre in Norway? It has alarms that tell you when your blood sugar is dropping too low.
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