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Nigel R

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi can I have a few thoughts on what app to try, that I can enter blood sugars (from Libre) and carbs and get a insulin dose recommendation Just like my pump meter does I have looked at ‘my sugar’ but it’s to clever for me. I also look and wondered about ‘T1D1‘or any other favourites
Well - I ask how well do you wish it to actually calculate your bolus/correction dose - to do it accurately it needs access to your insulin on board info which the pump knows, but nobody else does instantly, so whether it's a meter or a phone app, it needs sufficient info entered into it, in order to enable it to access that info and make an accurate calculation.

Otherwise you could just calculate the required dose for Xgrams of carb using mental arithmetic or a calculator which is on most phones anyway if you can't do mental arithmetic.

I recall a consultant saying to me when my afternoon ratio was 1u to 8g carb, ooh that makes it difficult for you! No it doesn't said I - I learned my 8 times table when I was little! However - I am now fully aware that junior schools don't teach you the times tables these days. Grand daughter aged 8 - after I had a rant that they weren't taught them now - later told Grandad that Grandma clearly has an anger management issue about it. I don't believe that phrase had even been invented when I was her age in the 1950s ! Hence I can't complain if anyone younger than me can't multiple or divide in their heads - but still think that's utterly ridiculous.
Which pump do you use @Nigel R

Is it a Roche one that won’t allow you to input BG readings from alternative sources?

The Libre handset has a bolus wizard built-in, but you need the blood test strips that go with it, and I am wondering whether you are hoping to reduce your number of fingersticks?

It was mySugr which I was going to recommend as I’ve been using it for years, sorry!
Thank you for repl.Yes you got that correct I am on the insight .It was to save carrying to much equipment and then I can put it straight in to the pump. I will try again with my sugar. Or carry on as I do finger pricking.
Well if you don't require the 'remote control' function of the Insight meter/handset I don't suppose not using it would make much difference but OTOH only the hospital can download the pump itself onto the Roche software, because the download cable and gizmo to do it costs nearly £100 each otherwise. The infra red cable to download the meter to the Roche software is free. But the meter will download to Diasend using the same infra red cable, and we can download the Libre Reader to Diasend using the same cable that is used to charge the Reader - so then the hospital and we can see both what's happened Libre wise and pump-wise - but only for actual BG and what's happening to that, but not anything at all to do with insulin doses given.

I've given up with the Roche software at home - if my hospital clinic need to interrogate how much insulin I've been having - they should have the means to inform themselves. My Insight pump and meter stopped communicating with the Roche software some years before it was due to be replaced and so they had to rely on downloading the meter to Diasend - which it sometimes did OK and sometimes didn't .......
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