Approved for a pump!

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Hi guys!
So I saw my diabetic nurse last Monday and asked about a pump. She said that I met the NICE requirements and are suitable for a pump. She said she is going to put the request forward? Just wondering if anyone knows how long this process takes? I've been a diabetic for 5 years now and I am looking forward to using a pump
Hi Laura, welcome to the forum 🙂 That's great news! 🙂 I've never tried for a pump, so can't help with timescales, but hopefully some of the other members can 🙂
Well done Laura, lots of people on here on pump and very helpful, ive been on pump for two weeks now, and going well, took my clinic 3-4 weeks to get me put forward, depends if they are happy with your carb counting etc, but think each area is different, but good luck and hope it's quick for you.
Thanks for your reply! I attended a DAFNE course last year so I am pretty accurate with my carb counting. I also keep two deprecate log books. One for my blood glucose levels and the other is a carb counting food diary. I hope it doesn't take too long as I am eager to learn about them!
Good luck and hope your pump comes quickly :D
Welcome to the forum and congrats on being put forward for a pump. Timescale will depend entirely on your clinic, anything from a few weeks to more than a year(!) so you'd probably be best asking your DSN/consultant for an estimate. 🙂
Have to get the consultant's approval first off, then it's a matter of choosing which one, then getting it, and teaching you how to use it. The latter can take some wait because if eg pump reps do the training, they can't just drop everything and train anyone immediately LOL Neither can DSNs - all fairly obvious so you wait and then you get an appointment which happens to be for 2 days after your planned holiday to Timbuktu starts.

I should allow 6 months from now if I were you - if it happens quicker - that's a bonus!
Thanks for your reply,
Yes I was under the impression that it could be a lengthy process but my nurse said she will keep me informed of any changes. I'm prepared to wait however long it takes!
Well, yeah - exactly!

Mine would have taken only 3 months but just as it arrived in clinic, one of the 2 DSNs had her hysterectomy and consequently mine was doing all the work - so couldn't spend the time she wanted. Eventually, she did 4 of us together - quite fun!
Good for "U". It will take a bit to get it tuned in to yourself but it is the best so far. Pls let us know how you are getting on with it 🙂
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