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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
hi all,
Tommorow i have my long awaited consultant appointment. I will hopefully find out if i am a type 1 or 2. I was just wondering what kind of questions i should ask. I have been on gilclazide 80g twice day. I have hypos everyday even though i dont know about it until i test. If i excise or i am busy my blood sugar goes down into the three`s.
I hope the appointment goes well. From the sounds of your reactions to the gliclizide you must definitely be producing a significant amount of insulin. As for the questions, I think a lot will depend on what their conclusions are as to why you have diabetes. You need to find out what the options for treatment are, what the various drugs are for and if there will be any side effects. Also, you should ask what diabetes education courses are available to you - again this might depend on what Type they decide you are. You may already know about the various checks, like feet and eyes, but if not, ask how appointments for these will be made.

You might also want to discuss your hypo unawareness and if you drive then ask how the diagnosis will affect you. Good luck, and let us know how things go! 🙂
i think thats the problem, as i do alot driving during the day. The nurse said just test if you are going to drive for more than a 1 hour, don`t bother if going round the corner!!!
i think thats the problem, as i do alot driving during the day. The nurse said just test if you are going to drive for more than a 1 hour, don`t bother if going round the corner!!!

That is sooo wrong! If there's a possibility of you having a hypo you should always test beforehand, it doesn't matter how far you are going! You wouldn't get into a car to go round the corner if you were drunk would you? What dangerous advice! I'm not sure whether there's an actual requirement if you're not on insulin, but I would want to test for my own peace of mind, I think.
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