appointment timing fail

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
urgh. Sitting here, I just realised of the bigest appt timing b***s up of my life. March 11th - clinic appointment at southampton. It's a late one too, something like 4.30. Now as we know from my last appt there, they keep you waitingf or HOURS. Except...I have a retinopathy screening at the OPPOSITE END OF TOWN half an hour later.


I cannot be in two places at once...that's impossible...i'm wondering which one to change/cancel. Maybe if i change the retinopathy to early morning? That way eyes can be better by the time i have to go to the hospital?
Id say yes do you usually need drops for the retinal screening?
Id say yes do you usually need drops for the retinal screening?

Hi steff. I've only ever had it done twice in the past 14 years *hides in shame* and both times I haven't had the drops. I'm hoping they'll let me off this time too...because I abhor things going in my eyes...the thought of it is making me freak out a bit now 😱
Good luck getting the appointments changed. Every time I get an appointment I have to change it for a very early one or a very late one, but simply because I start work at 7 am.

With the retinal scans, I think it varies from area to area. I have never had a retinal scan without the drops, but others don't seem to need them.
I would change the retinal screening appointment personally.
Welcome to my world, the only appointments I get are ones that I cannot go to.
at least you lot having appointment, when is graham appointment is going to be change 3 or 4 times before having the definite date last time the letter arrived the same day of the old appointment and with the school and my annual leave is not so easy so now i am waiting the week before to book my AL before the appointment the hospital doesnot really think about our daytime engagement dont they???!!!!
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