Appointment on Tuesday!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have my first appointment at new clinic on tuesday.

What should I ask.
I'm going to state I want a pump.
Also guesses on my HbA1c... was 11.8 last time (just before christmas)
if you are going to say you want a pump, they will want to hear all your reasons/evidence behind you wanting one. go prepared - log books etc.

i'll go with 9.0!
okies, I haven't got a log book but they will be able to download some of my results from my blood kit.
Hi Loubie, have you spoken to John Davis at Input? He will be able to tell you what to say at your first appointment. Haven't spoken to him myself, but have heard that he will get back to you quickly if you email him 🙂 Have a look at his website:

As the others have said, take your lognooks and meter so that they can see the problems you have had - make sure to tell them the progress you have already made with your carb counting, but that you still get freaky unexplained levels - like when you needed no insulin, then went to needing loads again!
i found that when i first requested to look at getting a pump, they initially said no - they wanted me to basically step up what i was doing (eg review the DAFNE course, logging properly, staying in much closer contact with the team) to see if that would help me get better overall results.

definitely email John at INPUT, he responded to me really quickly.
I did. He said to go to bournemouth this was before I moved to my new clinic that do pumps. I really struggle injecting myself because of my arm, I can only inject in certain places cause of access
I did. He said to go to bournemouth this was before I moved to my new clinic that do pumps. I really struggle injecting myself because of my arm, I can only inject in certain places cause of access

Good point, might be worth calling him again and seeing what he knows about the new clinic and what you might expect.
Good luck for your appointment on tuesday. I'll guess 9.3 😉 xx
Good Luck Loubie!!

Guessing game! Love it 8.765 !!

Hope all goes to plan (if there is one!)
Hi Lou,
I hope you get it accross to your team that you are serious about a pump. You have enough reasons why you need one - so dont take 'no' for an answer.
I wont take part in the 'guess' as I find it hard, and dont want to make you feel 'bad' about a particular result if you werent expecting it. Good luck with the appointment.🙂Bev
Have you asked them to clarify if you are type 1 or 2? I know initially you said you had been told you were type 2. So would be good to get them to confirm either way.
Ask if you can go on a carb counting course I expect they run one if they do pumps.
oooh , i have my appintment at new clinic on wednesday!!:D i cant wait moving my diabeties care has been a long time coming , and like you im gonna ask for a pump , this will be the first time at diabeties clinic for nearly three yrs now ( as old clinic were useless and always got appointments wrong or just didnt bother sending me one) buy YAY!!!!!! hope u get what you need from your new clinic , let us all know how it goes !!:D
Good luck with your appointments gals

Lou I will guess 8.9
Good luck with ur appointments u 2! lou im gonna guess.....9.2! 🙂 let us know how it all goes x
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