Applying for jobs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Do I have to disclose diabetes as a disability in the section where it asks.....

Do you have a disability?

Personally, I would rather not but would this go against me if I didnt disclose initially?

I would obviously tell any potential employer that I had diabetes further along the process but I do not want to be treated any differently because of it.

I would much prefer to be successfull because of my existing skill base than be offered an interview because they have to as I have indicated that I am "disabled"

would love to hear your opinions!:D

hi hotchop, i've always said no on forms, but brought it up either in interview or when i start
I thought if you did not tell your employer you had diabetes, you wouldint have any hope taking them to a tribunal, if you were unfairly sacked, as it is under the disabilty discrimantatin act?
Unfortunately as a diabetic, due to the definition of disabled we are classed as disabled as it interferes with our day to day life.

I dont consider myself disabled but apparently I am because I am a diabetic.
yeah I understand that we are classified as disabled but i feel quite strongly that I potentially will be guaranteed an interview only on that basis rather than on my competancies and abilities..

ah well... I suppose I need to try and see the positive side.. My cv writing skills may be carp and this could bypass that issue lol

Picking up on what Scotty said though, how much protection under the dda do we have?

I am in a good job currently, really enjoy the challenges though due to cut backs and such, hours have been slashed.. im lucky that i dont have to go into consultation with any of my team but my store now operated pretty much single cover until about 4pm... making meal times rather tricky.. well impossible really!

btw im a retail manager operating long hours 10am til 10pm, im contracted 40 hours a week as standard and ive been there 10 yrs nearly

Really enjoy what I do but could do with a fresh challenge🙄
yeah I understand that we are classified as disabled but i feel quite strongly that I potentially will be guaranteed an interview only on that basis rather than on my competancies and abilities..

I understand what you're saying, but maybe the way to look at it is that although it may get you an interview, it's your skills and abilities that will get you the job?

Just a thought..

yeah acknowledged lol....

>>>>> off my high horse>>>>>>

thank you x
Under the DDA, an employer must make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities. That includes diabetes.

For example, my employer rearranges my shifts around diabetes related appointments for me.
No I would never but it under 'Do you have a disability?'!! Usually there is a health form that asks for alot more details and I would out it on there.
I would include it on the form under do you have a disability. Although I wasn't obliged to tell my firm about the diabetes, because I have had a lot of sick over the last year, it has got me out of trouble under the DDA because they couldn't prove all the illness wasn't diabetes related.
Under the DDA, an employer must make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities. That includes diabetes.

For example, my employer rearranges my shifts around diabetes related appointments for me.

unfortuynately for me though my last employer didn't see it that way and got rid of me because of 'health issues'.

bumheads that they are
I tick yes, but thats not only because of diabetes. Just because it will guarentee me an interview doesn't mean I will get the job, still have to do well at the interview.
I then disclose the full information in the health questionaire that gets sent to occuaptional health.
Good luck with looking for a new job.
crimefighter, send a PM to Tom Hreben, one of our members, he is working to try and get consideration for diabetics to join the army.
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