Apple Watch could revolutionize diabetes care

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
One of the most impressive takeaways of the recently announced Apple Watch was its individuality: a unique interface, brand new input methods, and a whole new ecosystem for innovative third party apps.

I immediately thought of my patients with diabetes who currently carry up to four separate electronic devices in their pockets to manage all their technology: a smartphone, a glucometer, an insulin pump controller, and a continuous glucose monitor receiver.

As diabetes companies are already scrambling to make their next generation of products compatible with the iPhone to eliminate the bulk of extra devices, the Apple Watch could provide glanceable information and eliminate the need to reach into your pocket or purse. With its Taptic engine that can produce a “tactile sensation that’s recognizably different for each kind of interaction,” you won’t even have to glance at your wrist.
Many of the other android watches and other platform smart watches will get there first and at half the cost......🙂
Not so useful if you are visually impaired though.
I think this apple innovation could go pear shaped.
The device is too small to be readable for most people. As ever with Apple it is great on inputs and presenting them, and then disastrous on interfacing with anything else.
I think this apple innovation could go pear shaped.
The device is too small to be readable for most people. As ever with Apple it is great on inputs and presenting them, and then disastrous on interfacing with anything else.

That's sort of the idea though isn't it, they don't want it to interface with anything else, apple all the way, the entire health service would be apple flavoured in a couple of years if Steve Jobs were around 😉

All the tech companies will be on it soon, the increase in diabetes and the US health insurance market makes it a massive market. My money is on google, but then my money is also on google going all Steve Jobs and banishing platform independence in favour of google flavoured closed platform. Mystic Kooky 🙄
The iWatch is just a device which attaches via Bluetooth to your iPhone and allows you to interface, both ways. This functionality is available with Samsung and Sony on their devices as well.

Other devices will become available and use the Apple interfaces, with the most interesting one being developed for me being the contact lens which can monitor blood sugar levels in tears and feed that information back to an app. Yay no more pricking!

Patient confidentiality is still a concern, Apple has gone one step in this adding rules based on iStore downloaded apps. I think we are in interesting times, although I have still been waiting 40 years for them to invent hover boots :(
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