Apple Watch caused Freestyle Sensor Failure?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I just wondered if anyone else has had this problem? I’ve used two Freestyle Libre 2 sensors with no problems whilst wearing my Apple Watch, but after attaching a third sensor I had constant alarm alerts of loss of signal and alarms that I had no alarms! Then a message of complete sensor failure and to remove it and replace with another one - this was all within less than 24 hours.
Freestyle said they’d replace the sensor but it was my Apple Watch causing the failure! Something about the watch using NFC ??
Does this mean I can’t wear my watch anymore?
I would really appreciate any thoughts people have, as if I do wear my watch and then it causes another failure I assume Freestyle would not replace it again, and there’s no way I could afford that!
Thank you very much in advance for any help!
I contacted freestyle last week, to tell them that I wasn’t able to get readings on my android phone. I wasn’t told to update the app, but did so after I had read other posts about the problem. They sent me a new sensor, but it says I have 2 days left, and I only put it on his morning, and it still won’t connect. Is it worth it, I ask. I suffer anxiety, and depression, and this is causing real problems for me. I can’t even find anything to tell me what I need to do.
The N on NFC stands for 'Near'.
You have literally be almost touching for it to work. Something like 4cm is the distance it works over.
They're talking out of their sphincters.
I contacted freestyle last week, to tell them that I wasn’t able to get readings on my android phone. I wasn’t told to update the app, but did so after I had read other posts about the problem. They sent me a new sensor, but it says I have 2 days left, and I only put it on his morning, and it still won’t connect. Is it worth it, I ask. I suffer anxiety, and depression, and this is causing real problems for me. I can’t even find anything to tell me what I need to do.
Hi Archer
Sorry to hear you are having problems like me. I’m really struggling with Freestyle too and wonder is it worth all the cost and hassle. Freestyle have not been helpful at all and I’m not impressed so far! I too suffer from anxiety and depression and this doesn’t help does it! Hope you get things sorted soon
The N on NFC stands for 'Near'.
You have literally be almost touching for it to work. Something like 4cm is the distance it works over.
They're talking out of their sphincters.
That’s what I thought! NFC is used for Apple Pay I thought, so almost touching the till device, and I’ve never even used that on my watch! I’m just worried if another sensor fails they won’t replace it and blame my watch again! I’m new to all this, do you know if the sensors fail a lot?
Many thanks in advance!
Is Apple pay working on your phone? It might be worth trying it. There have been a couple of posts about the latest update frying the NFC receiver in your phone. Not sure if it is the Libre update or the phone update. @counsellorneil has had 2 phones suffer this fate I believe. It is unlikely to have anything to do with your watch and Abbott won't know you are still wearing your watch unless you tell them, so definitely report that you have had another failure. You certainly should be able to use an Apple watch and it shouldn't interfere with the Libre and if it does, what happens if you are standing next to someone with an Apple watch in a queue or something. Personally it is my belief that the majority of the problems with Libre 2 are software related rather than duff sensors and using the reader may negate a lot of these issues although I appreciate that isn't as convenient for some as just using their phone..... but it works reliably for most people. who use it.
Is Apple pay working on your phone? It might be worth trying it. There have been a couple of posts about the latest update frying the NFC receiver in your phone. Not sure if it is the Libre update or the phone update. @counsellorneil has had 2 phones suffer this fate I believe. It is unlikely to have anything to do with your watch and Abbott won't know you are still wearing your watch unless you tell them, so definitely report that you have had another failure. You certainly should be able to use an Apple watch and it shouldn't interfere with the Libre and if it does, what happens if you are standing next to someone with an Apple watch in a queue or something. Personally it is my belief that the majority of the problems with Libre 2 are software related rather than duff sensors and using the reader may negate a lot of these issues although I appreciate that isn't as convenient for some as just using their phone..... but it works reliably for most people. who use it.
Hi Barbara
Thanks so much for the info! Wow, I’ve had a look online and it’s blown my mind! I will definitely try using my Apple Pay and see what happens. I can’t get my head around if it’s the phone update or the Libre app update, so I thought I’ll get a Freestyle reader but can’t find one in their store. I did read somewhere that they are hard to get hold of now.
Thanks for all your help. You’re so right about if you stood next to someone with an Apple Watch in a queue! I’ll tell them that if they query why another sensor has failed!!
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