Apple phone and watch

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My 16 year old son has found out that certain apple watches work with the dexcom g7. Does anyone use one?

Can he continue to use your phone for monitoring alongside the watch or is it one or the other?
I use an iPhone and Apple Watch with libre but not tried with dexcom g7. With libre the bgs get to the watch via the phone, so you use both but the phone is the main one. It doesn’t talk directly to the watch so you wouldn’t see bgs on the watch if you left your phone at home for instance. I’d guess dexcom is similar but await actual experience.
My daughter has an Apple Watch and Dexcom G6. As Lucy says, the Dexcom app runs on the phone and the watch just picks up the data from that. So you can use the phone independently if you wish but you can’t use the watch without the phone. Presume G7 is the same - depending on which pump my daughter chooses next we may stay with G6 or upgrade to G7 in the summer!
It looks like things are similar with G7: the iPhone is the main device, and can talk to the Watch and show information.

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