Apple ISO 17.5.1 update

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anyone use Libre and has made the update yet to ISO 17.5.1?
Did it go okay?

After that issue with the libre app not that long ago I turned off auto updates and I shouldn’t really as they are needed for security and this is my work not personal phone and with my job one of my responsibilities is security.

A while ago, no issues
I braved it and yes I can confirm no issues.
That one time will always haunt me
I had a similar experience updating an operating system on my wife's Mac when everything crashed. I'm terrified about doing it again but, unfortunately, I need to.
I had a similar experience updating an operating system on my wife's Mac when everything crashed. I'm terrified about doing it again but, unfortunately, I need to.

Did you need to update or was it just that it was new ? IME waiting for a few months has worked well for MacOS and iOS.
It needed doing, and in my case it really needs doing. With my wife's it was just one step, the update kept freezing but wouldn't let me go back to the previous OS. I ended up calling Apple who walked me through it with the same result and I had to do a complete erase. Not for the first time I was grateful for the back up. My iMac is about 4 updates behind.
It needed doing, and in my case it really needs doing. With my wife's it was just one step, the update kept freezing but wouldn't let me go back to the previous OS. I ended up calling Apple who walked me through it with the same result and I had to do a complete erase. Not for the first time I was grateful for the back up. My iMac is about 4 updates behind.

Yes, backups are essential. I use CCC for MacOS.
I use Super Duper and it has saved my bacon several times. I've thought of switching to CCC but SD hasn't failed me yet. I'm still nervous about having to go through the erase scenario again.
I can understand that. Sometimes risky to change important programmes like Backup/Restore.
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