appalling behaviour from a teacher

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Alex was in the medical room yesterday with painful tummy ache and was sitting next to a girl from year 11 who was diabetic and was telling him she had been on the pump for 3 months but didnt take to it. She then told him one of the teachers at school told her off one day for 'playing with her mobile phone'. The girl was trying to tell her it was an insulin pump when the teacher walked over and tried to pull it out of her hands, the girl let out a yelp as it pulled on her canula - and the teacher said 'oh my god you freak - what is this'?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The girl then said to her 'why dont you go to macdonalds fatty' (Alex said the teacher is very fat) - and the teacher told her off for being rude! The girl hasnt told anyone about this as she is worried that she will get detention for being rude to a teacher.

Alex told her that its a good job it hasnt happened to him because 'my mum is the sort who would sue the school and she would be so angry'! This made me chuckle!

I feel very angry that this has happened and am wondering if this could be a reason the girl decided not take up the offer of a pump. I just hope Alex NEVER has this teacher because if she treated him anything like she treated the poor girl - I dont know what I would do! I cant believe the ignorance - and from a teacher!😱 Bev
The poor little mite - such a fright for her she must have felt so embarrassed.

That teacher has a nerve calling her a freak - its just completely out of order. Has it been a long time since the incident happened ? I only ask because if its not the other children in the class may have remembered the incident.

I thought that teacher were meant to know if a child in their class had a medical condition in case there was an emergency.
That is utterly disgusting Bev! For a start, the teacher should have known that the girl was diabetic, surely? And should therefore have had some rudimentary knowledge of what that entailed, at the very least. The girl should report it to the head so that the teachers can be educated, so that the incident isn't ever repeated. I wonder if you could have a word with the head anyway, just to make sure that staff are aware that a pump, whilst it may resemble a mobile, is actually a life-giving and extremely sensitive and expensive piece of medical equipment - you don't necessarily need to mention the incident, but the staff clearly need to know to exercise caution.
You should talk to the girls mum. This is sooo wrong!! This teacher should NOT be teaching. The girl might not have even told her mum but something should be done about it!!
Alex said its about 9 months to a year ago that the girl was on the pump because just before he started at the school he was told there was a girl also on a pump and perhaps Alex and her could have chats about school life and pumps etc..

All teachers are meant to *know* that a child has a medical condition - but in practice this doesnt always happen.😱A teacher spotted Alex eating a packet of crisps a few months ago in the corridor and tried to take them off him as no eating in the corridor is allowed - Alex took them back off her and explained he was diabetic and needed to eat - she apologised and left him to it.🙂Bev
Im so pleased Alex can stand up for himself when he knows hes in the right and knows what is best! x
That is absolutely disgraceful, that teacher needs to be reported..
Completely and utterly disgraceful she would be sacked on the spot if i was the head at that school kids get named called enough by other pupils nevermind the teacher joining in.She needs bringing down a peg or two that teacher does, she does no favours to the teaching prefession.That poor girl has to deal with enough without people like that around her.
That's utterly disgraceful behaviour from someone who should know better. It's a pity they don't have the pillory any more, it might teach that woman a lesson in public humiliation. She should definitely be reported. Perhaps something could be said at the next parent's night about ensuring that all staff have at least a basic knowledge of the needs of diabetic children.
I think that calling the girl a 'freak' is one of the worst things about this incident - this shows not only ignorance of her pupil's requirements, but an awful, offensive and reprehensible character flaw for a teacher in particular.
What a terrible teachers. I hope she never gets anything where she needs a pump of any kind, but perhaps it would be a fitting repayment.
some teachers !!! freak .....huh ???? GRRRRRRRRRRR
When my son was in year 7 and was getting picked on, he went to his year leader who said " well lads to be honest, you do bring it on yourselves" so a teacher calling a pupil a freak sadly doesnt suprise me at all!
i cannot be;lieve that a teacher does not know that one of her pupils is diabetic and is on a pump!!!!
I think that calling the girl a 'freak' is one of the worst things about this incident -

yes and that's the thing that makes this tale difficult to believe. The teaching profession, perhaps more than any other, has been battered by Political Correctness over the last few decade. Teachers are walking on eggshells all the time.
Peter, my first question to Alex was 'are you really sure the teacher said the word freak'? because it did seem really over the top. He said he asked the girl at the end did the teacher really say that and the girl confirmed that this was the reason she lost her temper with the teacher. Apparently this teacher is 'very old' :D according to Alex - which probably means she is in her 50's or so!🙂Bev
Peter, my first question to Alex was 'are you really sure the teacher said the word freak'? because it did seem really over the top. He said he asked the girl at the end did the teacher really say that and the girl confirmed that this was the reason she lost her temper with the teacher. Apparently this teacher is 'very old' :D according to Alex - which probably means she is in her 50's or so!🙂Bev

so basically we have no way of knowing whether the teacher used the word or not. But everyone is shooting from the hip about it.
so basically we have no way of knowing whether the teacher used the word or not. But everyone is shooting from the hip about it.

No Peter we dont - because this in not a court of law and I can only go on what Alex has been told by the girl - and I can tell you that my son does not lie.😱He has no reason to lie and neither does the girl! Once again Peter you have demonstrated your complete inability to explain yourself in a subtle manner.😡
No Peter we dont - because this in not a court of law :

No this thread has been more like a Lynch Mob. A responsible adult doing a difficult job has been hung, drawn and quartered on the basis of unverifiable hearsay from the girl.
No this thread has been more like a Lynch Mob. A responsible adult doing a difficult job has been hung, drawn and quartered on the basis of unverifiable hearsay from the girl.

Peter - I am speechless at this comment!😱I think a mod should close this thread now before I say something I might regret. I think you have been banned once havent you?
No this thread has been more like a Lynch Mob. A responsible adult doing a difficult job has been hung, drawn and quartered on the basis of unverifiable hearsay from the girl.

Give it a rest Peter. I've known teachers capable of far worse, and not just in my time - I have two nieces recently left school. They're not all angels, so your comments belong in some ideal world, probably populated by clouds and cuckoos.
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