Apologies - clinics and chairs

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I give my sincere apologies for any offence I have caused regarding a comment about me feeling uncomfortable being given no alternative but a chair that was / is too big for me in a diabetes clinic. It does not mean that I think that all people with a certain type of diabetes are large - I was merely quoting the explanation about the reason when I asked the consultant why the seat was so wide, in the context of a thread which started off with a young person who had been estranged from diabetes care.
I would also like to add that I hope that Caroline Wilson's thread about help in losing weight and lack of appropriate support will be the one good thing that can come out of this misunderstanding.
Must admit I was a bit upset by the original posting, but didn't want to statr an argument. It certainly opened a lot of debate, which is always good.

Often this is a difficult means of communication, and I am sure I sometimes word things badly and cause confusion too.

Thank you for your appology.
Thanks for the apology and the explanation.

Email groups and forums are very hard sometimes. You can sometimes send a message in good faith and it is read not in the way you wished, I've done this myself and wished I could take something back and find myself backtracking quite quickly. After this explanation I imagine that is what happened in this instance. It was offensive, I didn't get your first explanation and I for one took offence but I understand now where you are coming from appreciate this message. Onwards and upwards, I think from here.

Carolines original thread was indeed a good one.

I read all of these threads with interest and can sympathise with how tone and inflection are sometimes misconstrued in the written word when using forums or emails.

Something written entirely innocently can be taken very wrongly by someone else.

I really can't believe we had such a heated debate about a chair! (JOKE - I know the size of the chair WASN'T the issue 😉)

However the post does raise an interesting point about how we as a society are increasingly going out of our way to accomodate the minority at the expense of the majority.

I'm going off topic here so feel free to skip this paragraph

One example that is very close to me at the moment, with my wife being pregnant with our 2nd child, is that pregnant women now DO NOT get to hear the baby's heartbeat until 24 weeks - the reason given is that it is harder to find in 'overweight' mums to be before then, and therefore causes them less distress. Thats all very good, but what about the distress caused to the majority of 'average' weight mums who now have to wait even longer to hear that first magical heartbeat. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples you can think of, and again I mean no offence to anyone - this was just an example [/steps off soapbox]

And finally, in my clinic the waiting areas have an assortment of chairs to accomodate every size of person, and also the specialised chairs for those whose joints make it harder for them to get up from a 'low' chair.

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Thanks Copepod!

I agree with Adrienne, it is very hard sometimes to 'understand' what a persons intentions are when using a forum. Tone etc is lost in a typed sentence. I hadn't really understood your original explanation - which is what caused the confusion. But I do understand this one and accept it. Thanks again.:D

And yes, Carolines thread was a very positive outcome of this.🙂Bev

Now that you have cleared up the misunderstanding, I would also like to offer you my apologies for the remarks I made to you in my posting, they were uncalled for and I should have put my point across in a more gentlemanly way.

Now I have had more time to think i would like to say thanks for the apology copepod, I let this get to me and im not usually so fiesty when it comes to threads in this forum, but after a chat with my o/h he calmed me down got me thinking more clearly and i guess im now thinking rationally x
thank you copepod...
I like to add how much i enjoy your thoughtful and educational posts🙂
Thanks everyone

Thanks everyone - I think we all realise that typed words can be misinterpretted. UKJohn's apology especially welcome - I had already thought you have misinterpretted my silence ,which really was due to working odd hours and not being able to log in much at work or at all when driving! This is my dinner break - chose to log on before eating, but tummy is rumbling as last food at 0630!
Anyway, onwards and upwards, as someone said earlier.
im just pleased ALL that where particularly offended apologised .lets all hug HAHA x
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