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anything to worry about?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Just wondering if this is anything to worry about? Last night Alex was 6 before bed - so had a little cup of milk. All through the night he was getting up every couple of hours for a wee - and then this morning his level was 13!
Seems odd to me! Bev
Hi bev,

I'm wondering if he has a cold coming on, or something like that? Infections can make your sugars go high, and high sugars can make you go to the loo more often. He might not feel poorly, but his sugars may be reacting more quickly than other symptoms. Keep an eye on his levels and contact your DSN/doctor if the levels remain high as he may need his insulin adjusting.
Ok will do thanks Northerner.
I was wondering whether to check ketones?
I'd usually test for ketones if I have a reading of 13+. it's probably nothing to worry about but as northerner said, it can't do any harm.
I just checked for ketones - nothing showing!

We havent been told how often or when to check for ketones - i suppose it doesnt matter how many times you check really.

I will just do more blood checks today as a precaution. Thanks for your help! Bev x
Except that each test means an extra finger prick for Alex and ketone blood testing strips are even more expensive than blood glucose testing strips - so only worth testing if you know what to do depending on the result. Best to ask your diabetes team for guidance as local protocols do very. If a child is seriously ill, though, get help urgently (out of hours GP or A&E), without waiting for ketone test.
id have to say just keep an eye on his levels and also if they seem a little high (14+) do a ketone check. do you use blood ketone testing or urine??

best thing to do is to keep him in tip top shape and well hydrated bev. i find if im a little low on fluids i feel really rough and my levels go high.
Did Alex have a high fat evening meal?
If so this would cause the meal to digest slowly thus a deceptive 5 at bed time. Thus thepeeing and high numbers in the morning. Did he/you test when he started to pee like that? If not next time do so and then correct the high, if this is the cause.

Hi all!

Sue, Alex did have a fairly high fat meal - a wrap with sausage and cheese and salad in and then a chocolate muffin cake! He always has some junk on a friday. It would make sense then that his level at bedtime wasnt a true picture of what was happening. I didnt check his levels during the night as i was only aware of it this morning when he explained.
We havent been told to correct his levels - only pre -meal corrections so far.
We are supposed to be changing his regime this weekend but i may leave it just in case he is having a blip?
We use the urine tests for ketones but as i say they were ok. Bev

I will make sure he drinks more today - thanks!:)Bev
:D just glad to help out bev.
sometimes if i have a meal like like they are 6-7 or lower 2hours later and then later on a get like a rebound effect where they will go slightly higher. i have it with rice and pasta as well