Anyone Using Apidra

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello All,

does anyone on here use apidra fast acting insulin instead of novarapid.
just starting using it and its fantastic better control with it than novaslow !!!!!!

my onset times with nova were all over the place anything from 3 - 6 hrs.
i was having hypo's in afternoon & at night.

with the apidra the onset times are very constant and the insulin has finished working 2-3 hrs after taking with my meals. my control has improved no end.

btw i take levemir as my slow acting background

cheers andy. :D
hi andy, dont use apidra but do use levemir which is brilliant. i was on lantus for background but was waking up high every morning. when i first went on levemir i was hypo every morn but just adjusted dose and ok now. anyone else noticed this????
did also use the lantus but started piling on the pounds so my d.s.n. told me about levemir and also think it is good.

do you split the dose in 2 morning & nite i take it onece a day like i did with the lantus.
I also read that the levemir does not last the full 24 hrs like the lantus does ???

cheers andy.... :D
i did start gaining abit of weight when on lantus but i had lost so much weight from ketones coz i had dka that i needed to coz i was just skin and bones. i just take the 1 dose of levemir at about 10ish with my supper. my levemir does seem to last the full 24hrs, i will keep an eye on it to make sure. have you noticed that levemir stings when you inject?? i use my thigh, i read somewhere not to inject levemir in the same part of body as other insulin, so i inject my humalog in my stomach, get lots of bruises do you?
i did start gaining abit of weight when on lantus but i had lost so much weight from ketones coz i had dka that i needed to coz i was just skin and bones. i just take the 1 dose of levemir at about 10ish with my supper. my levemir does seem to last the full 24hrs, i will keep an eye on it to make sure. have you noticed that levemir stings when you inject?? i use my thigh, i read somewhere not to inject levemir in the same part of body as other insulin, so i inject my humalog in my stomach, get lots of bruises do you?

hello annemarie,

no don't get any stings with levemir but did get them sometimes from lantus.
i take my slow acting in my legs and the fast acting around my stomach as i was told. i alternate my legs for the slow acting levemir each time. i inject my levemir once a day also @ 7pm

cheers andy....:D
ive noticed that the levemir hurts but maybe its just that ive got more holes in my legs that a collander ha ha. ive also got alot of bruises at mo but that varies. you type 2 ?? did you go on tabs first or straight to insulin?? i was on metformin fof years coz was told i was type2 but ended up in hosp with dka and was told id always been type1. i didnt have any hypos coz my sugars were in the 20s.
are your pens at room temp when injecting cause it does hurt when the insulin is a little cold. yes i am type 2 was on metformin but told them i wasn't taking it anymore because it made me ill with really bad stomach cramps and toilet visits so just on insulin regime now. have been a diabetic for 12 yrs now not had any tabs for 10yrs

yes always keep insulin im using at room temp. ive injected cold insulin before and wont be doing that again in a hurry! ouch. i had same prob with metformin, it made me ill for ages but kept taking it and symptoms settled down, it took weeks tho.
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