Anyone take Creon - twinnie

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
sorry my internet has been on the blink but thats me back my hb1c results were quite good could be better but docs are putting me on another tablet for my pancreas creon has anyone heard of this tablet?
sorry my internet has been on the blink but thats me back my hb1c results were quite good could be better but docs are putting me on another tablet for my pancreas creon has anyone heard of this tablet?

Hi twinnie, good to see you back!🙂 I'll move this to the general message board where more people might see it.

I hadn't heard of the drug, but this is a good explanation of what it is used for:
sorry my internet has been on the blink but thats me back my hb1c results were quite good could be better but docs are putting me on another tablet for my pancreas creon has anyone heard of this tablet?
According to Wiki he was a character from Greek mythology. Jings! Something they don't know... Oh hold on, I found it.

Wiki said:
Pancreatin (trade names Creon (Solvay), Nutrizym (Merck), Pancrease HL (Janssen-Cilag) and Pancrex (Paines & Byrne)) is a mixture of several digestive enzymes produced by the exocrine cells of the pancreas. It is composed of amylase, lipase and protease. This mixture is used to treat conditions in which pancreatic secretions are deficient, such as surgical pancreatectomy, pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis. It has been claimed to help with food allergies, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and weight loss. Pancreatin is sometimes called "pancreatic acid", although it is neither a single chemical substance nor an acid.
I'm wondering if Adrienne's daughter takes something like this, as she had her pancreas removed at birth and will therefore need help with digestion.
i have only got less than half of my pancreas working due to lots of problems after the birth of my oldest child . thanks for the advice everyone

Yep we have Creon 25000. What have you been given, 25000 or 10000?

Jessica used to have Pancrease which was a powder in the capsule. We used to have to mix it with baby fruit. It smelt foul and stunk of cat's wee so we changed to Creon 10000 which thankfull doesn't smell. Her needs went up and she is on Creon 25000 which are bigger tablets. We have to open them up and put it in an egg cup and she downs it with water.

She is on 3 tablets per meal. We don't seem to need them for any snacks.

You don't need them if you just have fruit or veg. It is the fat and protein it is digesting more than anything else.

If you don't have the right amount of Creon then your blood levels will be harder to control. If you don't digest food properly you have a problem with levels.

People with cystic fibrosis take Creon. There is an upper limit per body weight for cystic fibrosis sufferers but with CHI kids (Jessica) there is nothing written or known about it. I have to keep an eye on her stools - nice 😱 and if they appear fatty or float (ie too much fat) the dose needs changing.

Hope that helps.
thanks i havent started creon yet had to get tests done so they can work out the dose shoudl be starting it next week
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so angry i went down to docs today to get test results to start creon and the local hospital have messed up my test some nummy has put my stool sample {nice i know} in to the blood test machine and no one knows if i am to repeat the test or have blood tests done ahhhhhhh got appointment for consultant next week i will just have to suffer untill then .
so angry i went down to docs today to get test results to start creon and the local hospital have messed up my test some nummy has put my stool sample {nice i know} in to the blood test machine and no one knows if i am to repeat the test or have blood tests done ahhhhhhh got appointment for consultant next week i will just have to suffer untill then .

Sorry to hear that twinnie, sounds like very lax procedures - I hope they have offered you an apology and an assurance that it won't happen again (to you or anyone else).
that is completely and utterly incompitent it is not like they are many similarties between your stool and your blood fgs! seems like such a lack luster precedure in my eyes, sorry to hear this mess up has occured twinne hope it can be sorted soon
my local hospital is not to good its there fault that i lost over half my pancreas if it havent been for my auntie {nurse} that got me moved to a different hosptal i wouldnt be writing this now
it just the last few days my blood sugars have been really good and this has brought me right back down
got appoinment at my gps tomorrow they phoned today as my doc wishes to dicuss the promblems with my sample and what has happen he wants to see me before i go to my consultant hopefully he will be sorry and will tell me what happens next
got appoinment at my gps tomorrow they phoned today as my doc wishes to dicuss the promblems with my sample and what has happen he wants to see me before i go to my consultant hopefully he will be sorry and will tell me what happens next

Hope all goes well twinnie, and you get some answers and an apology!
well he said he was sorry and that it was unexcusable that it happen i have to put another sample in grrrrrrrr so another couple of weeks of discomfort!!!!
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