Anyone recommend a pump for 3 yr old ?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi we are looking into pump therapy for newly diagnosed daughter. Three pumps are funded via nhs , medronic, Roche and animas. Can anyone offer advice on these? We are liking omnipod which is wireless and looks great for an active 3 yr old, but it's not funded on nhs which would mean we would have to self fund, no idea of cost. Any advice please ?
one of the things that swayed me towards animas is its waterproofness, i've been swimming etc with it on, no probs, dont know much about roche but i had to choose between animas and medtronic. from what i remember they are all very similar i got specs from manufactures and did a comparison, good luck!
Hi we are looking into pump therapy for newly diagnosed daughter. Three pumps are funded via nhs , medronic, Roche and animas. Can anyone offer advice on these? We are liking omnipod which is wireless and looks great for an active 3 yr old, but it's not funded on nhs which would mean we would have to self fund, no idea of cost. Any advice please ?

From all I have heard the pod is a pain in the you know what and very expensive. Pods have a tendency to fail or fall off so be warned.
there's only one bit of tubing from the other pumps and that can be coiled up and tucked out of the way. Many young children use them with no problems at all.
Before you have a pump for your daughter you do need to understand carbohydrate counting though 🙂
Order yourself the book Pumping insulin by John Walsh. (Amazon) This is known as the pumpers Bible.
Hope you find the right pump.
If you self fund I believe the pumps are about ?3,000 and the consumables a couple of hundred pounds a month (NHS won't pay if you self fund the pump, I think). If you ask on the Children with Diabetes site there will be lots of parents who can reassure you that the other models are fine 🙂
Medtronic has CGM capability, as does Animas (as long as your team order the new model called the Vibe). CGM may be something to consider if your team will support you applying for funding for. I know lots and lots and lots of children on the Medtronic, it's a popular choice 🙂 I use the Animas and love it.
I just posted a message on the parents bit about this for you 🙂

Medtronic all the way for me.
You will get different answers from different people..

Take for me, I happy with my Roche Combo, I find the remote/BG meter very handy indeed and can see it's benefit with young children, as pump can be tucked out the way, and remote used to zapped the pump into action when necessary.. And for carers they only have one piece of equipment to get their head around.. If they need to bolus or correct the meter takes the BG and once you've sorted out the bolus wizards it will give the insulin dose needed for the food or correction..
Hi, medtronic have the remote too. Know an adult with the Omnipod and it does fall off a fair bit with any activity so I think this would be difficult with a toddler. As posted on the other thread we have the Medtronic and can borrow the CGM from the Team to work with it. It has been easy to use (grandma's even got the hang of it :D)
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