anyone know about this

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gosh ty bev good post here i had not heard nothing of it , i have heard nothing in the news or nothing tho , kinda makes bit wary its kinda a big storyline something like that getting axed id of thought more coverage would of been on
This link may be of interest, the full government 'Shaping the Future of Care' report.

It's not something I'm greatly knowledgable about so please correct me if I'm wrong but as I understand it currently it as at a national consultation stage, so at the moment the proposals contained in it are just suggestions at this stage. As I understand it the main aim of the proposals are to reform the whole of the care system, primarily by bringing a number of different elements together to create a more joined up care system for the elderly and those with disabilities etc. DLA and AA would most likely come under this banner and so if the proposals are agreed there would be some knock on effect. In theory the aim is to ensure that the system is fair for all, rather than the post code lottery it can be at the moment, and that the various services work together. All theory of course 😉 I've not seen any information relating specifically to children though I'm afraid.
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Well it only works if you have a truly connected system.

As the NHS can't even manage communication and care between GP, PCT and Hospitals, nevermind third party government organisations such as Social Services et-al there is little hope that this will work.

DLA is a reasonably fair system, my main claim on it is for deafness and mobility, not diabetes, as such I presume the government will provide someone to be with me 24/7 to take care of my communication needs and assist when my balance isn't that great.

There are many black holes in the state systems, to be honest I can think of ways to save many billions of pounds, not just the one billion they are talking about. And I dread to think how much this whole new scheme will cost to implement.

Interesting as I have DLA for life wonder how they account for that 🙄
i couldn't see anything on dwp website. I get DLA for daughter, surely they have to tell people that it will be stopping. ??

Julie x
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