anyone help please

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
just a couple of questions if anyone can help me out please,
firstly if my blood reading is as high as 8.8 whats the best thing to do to get it down,
and dont laugh is porridge ok or is it a no no,thanks micky.
Micky i'm the same as your self,i'm on the diet and excerise until March and dont really know what to eat to get mine down either, sorry hope you get help the same as me lol good luck Linda
hi linda,the diet side of things started really well for me,i have lost nearly three stone since diagnosed in octber,i need to lose another stone and a half my doctor says,i just cut out bread potatoes pastry products and of course sugar,no dairy produce either i use flora milk at all times now,i just get confused with a lot of what i can and cant do,i also cut out the drink[bottled beer as well]full stop,good luck micky.
thats great losing that amount of weight from October Micky. can i ask you what kind of things you are eating hope im not being to nosey i joined weight watchers last week, are you on medication? Linda
How long have you been taking the tablets? It takes a little while for things to settle.

Some people do better with porridge than others. What do you have with it? May also be worth looking at the other things you eat too.

Some folks find gentle exercise helps to bring the numbers down, but if you are nto fit mind you don't over do it. A walk or swimming might help.
I moved this thread as you will get more replies on the general message boards.
Micky i'm the same as your self,i'm on the diet and excerise until March and dont really know what to eat to get mine down either, sorry hope you get help the same as me lol good luck Linda
Hi Looby and possibly Micky,

If you are a Type 2 on diet and exercise (and even metformin such as me) the best way to get blood glucose levels down is to cut back on the starchy carbohydrates - e.g. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice. Doing that usually leads to a big improvement - and quickly too.

It's worth doing to keep as far as you can from needing medications - especially insulin. Also, to keep well clear of the very nasty complications that can come a diabetics way.

Best wishes - John
Hi guys, there can be a lot of confusion, especially if you've just been told to do things like lose weight and eat healthily. Micky - porridge is good! It's what they call Low GI (glycaemic index), so it releases glucose into the bloodstream at a slower and steadier rate than high GI foods, like sugary cereals, jam on toast etc. When did you take the 8.8 reading? was it before or after eating? If up to two hours after eating, this is not a bad level at all, as the guidelines say you should be 8.5 or under at two hours - although it's not a precise science, so you can't be sure whether your levels are still rising or starting to fll after two hours.

On diet and exercise, the best way to get your levels down again is...exercise! A brisk walk or the equivalent will help make your body more sensitive to the insulin you are producing and also use up some of that glucose so it helps in two ways. Whatever you can manage is good. The weigh loss will also be helping your sensitivity to insulin, helping to reduce your general 'fasting' levels too.

My best bit of advice would be to get a recipe book with Low GI or low GL recipes and suggestions, and try to maintain regular exercies of around 30 minutes a day.

Well done on your success so far!🙂
..........and dont laugh is porridge ok or is it a no no,thanks micky......
Hi Micky,

When I started testing the first thing I discovered is how bad porridge was for me. I soon dropped off eating it and - for that matter - almost all other cereals too.

You'll need to test to find out exactly what it does to you but I'd predict double figures one hour after finishing eating and possibly the same after two hours. Test it out or cut it out is my advice!

Best wishes - John
just a couple of questions if anyone can help me out please,
firstly if my blood reading is as high as 8.8 whats the best thing to do to get it down,
and dont laugh is porridge ok or is it a no no,thanks micky.

hi there,

have a look in the Links section at the posts about Maggies davey's Open letter to newly dxed T2s and Jennifer's Smart Advice.
here's Maggie's piece

The two mantras are "Test,Test,Test" and "Eat to your meter".
hi everyone and thanks for all your replies,without going on to much this is my story for the last four months,
i was at 20 stone 6lbs in october when i was diognosed type two and put on metformin 850mg half tab twice a day and colestrol tablets,out of fright i started my diet there and then,i would eat for england[and spain]you name it i would eat it and go back for more,as an entertainer my life style means i'm out seven nights a week so the crap i would eat was worse than normal and lots of it,the very next day it was time for a new me and each and every day is now as follows,
porridge for breakfast then lunch would be a few pieces of fruit at 6pm dinner is either chicken [skinless] and roast veg lots of it,the next day its fish breaded cod or haddock with the same roast veg,i make a mean paellea with rabbit and chicken once a week,and supper when i get home usually in the early hours is a couple of slices of toast,i totally stopped the
bread,spuds,sugar,pastry products ie pies pasties[i loved em]and of course chocolate,i only use flora folic b colestrol controling milk [yuk] but once i got used to it its just like normal milk,
exercise i walk every other day at a brisk pace for thirty to forty minutes i use the exercise bike for twenty minutes the days i dont walk, and i try to swim[mess about in the pool] every other day too,
today i weighed in at 17stn 10lbs so i'm just under 3 stone lighter than when i started,my target is 15 and a half stone.

one of the problems living in spain is i dont get info from the doctors here,i was told i was diabetic and given my meds and a diet sheet then told to come back in a month,its sites like this with all you wonderful people out there that i rely on for info,anyway i hope i havent gone on to much explaining etc and would like to thank you all for being here,

ps i also have a wonderful wife who without i dont know were i would be today when she food shops she reads everthing we buy sop i'm only getting what i should get,and she also pushes me like hell on the days i flag a little with my exercise,

again many regards and love to you all micky.
Hi Micky, thanks for sharing your storywith us - you've done astonishingly well to turn things around in such a short time, with all the lifestyle changes you have made. Keep up the good work, we'll have a celebration for you when you hit your target! Regarding the milk, if you're on the tablets for your cholesterol you probably don't need the special milk as well - when I was on them my cholesterol came right down and I just drink ordinary skimmed milk. Still, if you have got used to it then I'm sure it's fine, just probably a bit more expensive. It will be interesting to see what your numbers are at your next assessment, given your progress🙂
Yes - an interesting story Micky! Great progress!

I found improving the blood glucose levels to be a learning process but I got there in the end. I had some great numbers while I was on the Costa del Sol recently. A bit surprising really because I was eating and drinking more than I do in the UK and in a more relaxed manner. However, while in Spain, I was doing quite a lot more walking too - so it may be as Northerner says that the exercise was helping too.

You sound to be well on track to me! Keep up the good work!

Best wishes - John
hi there

on the subject of porridge i have make mine with water i put the porridge in the bowl and the water and stir don't worry if there is a bit more water than porridge then put it in the microwave and cook it to your taste.

i hope that helps

You've done brilliantly well - I admire your will power and determination - hope you are feeling much better too because of all the changes and weight loss?

Like angie, I also make my porridge with water, and add a shake of cinnamon, some pumpkin and sunflower seeds (about 1/2 - 1 tsp each), as they apparently help lower cholesterol, and either a few tinned prunes or some dried cranberries (any fresh fruit will do too) to 'sweeten' it and add to my 5-a day.

Good luck Micky and looby! 🙂
I too am diet/excercise controlled. My FBG numbers used to be quite high but i have managed to lower them. I have lost 2 stones in weight since last October but still have quite a way to go. I walk for 30 mins every day and i'm sure that the excercise has helped a lot along with my diet. I have porridge every other day made with soya milk and water. I have cut out quite a lot of dairy products. This site is brilliant for help and advice.
Just wanted to add that when I said porridge is good, that's what most people find - but for some it's not (flipping diabetes!). The secret is to test and find out if you're one of the people who can happily tolerate it.
I have porridge on mornings when i get up early enough to make it (some days i don't have the 4 minutes of microwave time to spare!), sure, it's carb intensive but at least it keeps me goint till lunchtime and i don't snack mid morning. The way i see it, it's like filling your car (i assume, coz i don't have one..) you've got to have some sugars, be they sugary stuff ot carbs, to keep yourself going. If i didn't eat carbs, then yes, my blood sugar would be low, but then i'd be tired all the time. At least the porridge is slow release enough to keep me going for five hours without having to resort to errmm, mini cheddars...

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