Anyone having problems with Medtronic chargers? And cracking pumps

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all. Recently started the close loop with guardian 4 medtronic 780..........I've been using since Sept and I'm now on my 3rd charger....or rather on backorder like evey thing from this company..........anyone else having problems? They have even changed transmitter and still won't work. On top of that I've been with these type of pumps for a nun er of years and now on the 4th cracked pump! Exactly the same place left at the bottom of where the clip goes. I do t overnight the battery and I don't even use the clip. Getting quite peeved at this company. Anyone else having issues???? Anyone else using dexcom with another pump closed loop? I'm thinking of changing when can renew Andrea
I have not a problem with the charger, but I have had a couple of pumps crack. I did drop them from my back pocket, and at the time did not have a cover on the pump. Since using a cover I have not had another crack. I drowned one as I had not spotted the crack and went swimming wearing it as I was on my own in a pool.

I had problems getting all my stuff at the start, but it was over Christmas and B….t. Since then I have had warnings that there are delays with my deliveries, on contract, of the sensors but they have arrived in time. I have since bought an extra box as a buffer so that I do not need to get stressed if there is a delay.

It took me some time to get used to trusting the looping, but very pleased with the impact that it has had on my management, most of the time. Apart from that I have learnt work arounds for things like extended periods of exercise and illness. The same things that I had to do more for when I was in manual mode. looping certainly takes out the basic day to day work for me.

I will tag @everydayupsanddowns and @Sally71 who have experience with looping using tandem t slim
T-slim is pretty good, the refill procedure seems a bit fiddly (although we have no experience of Medtronic so can’t compare directly with that) but my daughter just gets on with it now and we’ve had no problems such as cracks or dodgy chargers. It loops well with Dexcom G6 and the customer service for both companies seems very good if you do have issues.
@Saoirse is looping with the Dana pump, which is a great little pump (I have the pump but am not looping with it). I think the Medtronic cracking is a known issue. I don’t understand why they don’t sort it. My friend had a sudden crack appear and they tried to blame her even though she’d only had it a few weeks. I can understand why you’re considering a change. It’s very stressful when pumps have issues.
Hi yes, I use the G6 and Dana pump in loop with camAPS. My first pump and I am a huge fan, despite some bumpy points in the beginning. I find the Dana to be dinky, sturdy, discreet, and pretty reliable. Dexcom I think very highly of, rarely a problem, and excellent customer service on the odd occasion there is something I need to contact them. The loop software needs to be paid for separately unless you can get funding (there was a trial around the time I started pumping, this is now finished), so I would check with your team what their policy on funding would be. I adore my pump/loop - Even though it was not my preference choice, I would not change it now.
Very glad to hear your views on the Dana pump and CamAPS! I'm hoping to get a pump and to loop, and think CamAPS looks best-- hope they do as promised and release a version for iPhones this year!

But I've heard/read little about Dana pumps (or Ypsomed pumps, the only other ones, I think, that can be used with CamAPS). So-- "dinky, sturdy, discreet, and pretty reliable" is reassuring.
Dana invented the first commercial insulin pump @Spathiphyllum They have a long history of tech. I’ve had a Dana pump for 4 or 5 years and it’s excellent. It’s so well thought out, quite apart from the CamAPS. It can also be used with an OpenAPS loop and the pump was developed with the support of loopers. Everything about it is class - even the box it comes in (or velvet case for my last Dana pump). It also has great sets, which is crucially important and often overlooked.
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