Anyone have this....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Right this has been going on for I don't know maybe several months more.
I don't think it has anything to do with Dee but hell it might?

I can't seem to work out if it's when I'm high or low, but thinking about it it probably occurs when I'm more low (not hypo just lower.)

What is it? Hard to describe, at first it was like flees, and almost an all over the body itch, the only trigger I can seem to nail is it happens when I or my body gets hotish over heated, I need to take of some clothing, or like now it's when I've been doing to work in the garden. It's not always all over, it maybe top half or legs but always front and back. Maybe I'm allergic to something in the new house? But we've been in 6 months nearly now, and it happens at work when I'm hot!? But my worry is because it is almost instantly all over it's blood related? I don't need to itch it anymore more just a rub really but very very annoying, depressing actually! Just thought this place has a lot of experiences someone might confirm that I'm screwed!🙄

Right back to shifting that soil!

Doesn't sound to me like a diabetes-related thing, unless it's connected to your BG dropping quickly as you get overheated due to strenuous activity. Such a fall can manifest itself in many different ways with different people - I can't say I've experienced anything like that myself. How long does it last? Does it go when you have cooled down or rested? Worth testing when it happens just to see the state of play and if there's any consistency - e.g. always low and always hot. I would imagine by now that your body has got over the shock of diagnosis and adapted to the different delivery of insulin - I know I took quite a few months to get back to 'normal'.

I think, since it's been going on for so long, it might be worth mentioning to the quack and draw on their vast knowledge of ailments!🙂
I get the same thing. At the moment its my left leg thats itching ( not like surface itching ,feels more like just under the skin) It happens when I`m hot but it oftens stays the same for a week at any temperature. It feels like it is more of a nerve itch... Sorry that I cant give you any advice. I havent had much support from my GP .
Sounds to me like it is heat related. Are the areas that itch a bit sweaty?

This is the sort of thing if I go to my GP he just dismisses unless I am very persistent, but if you are worried it is always worth talking to your doctor.
I don't think this is the same thing but I thought it worth mentioning:

Over the past few years -3 or 4 but diagnosed type 2 8 years ago and no change of meds until recently, I have suffered with an odd allergy. It starts with my hands swelling and the palms getting very red - fingers fat and hard to bend. The my wrists and tops of my feet and ankles itch, go red and white raised patches appear - sometimes I feel unwell, sometimes I can shrug it off - after the fist time when I felt really bad and was sick and passed out, I realized or hives this was urticaria or hives as it is commonly known, and would go without harming me so when it starts i take an over the counter anti-histamine - any hay fever tablet will do and the symptoms subside in about 15 to 20 minutes.

I can't trace this to any particular food but I now think it is triggered by something when I have been stressed - usually a day or two after- this could be extreme tiredness or something life just throws at me! The docs dismissed this for year- it doesn't happen very often - 3 or 4 times a year. However, I had an extreme reaction to the swine flu jab with all the described symptoms but with swelling in my mouth and blackouts- this scared me, the family and the nurse who made me an appointment at tan allergy clinic - due end of March. She said I need to solve this in case I need an epi pen. I think this is over reaction but am keen to get to the bottom of it so will follow it through of course. I don't think it is diabetes related though.

Rossi, I know this doesn't sound like your complaint, but if you are able to tolerate them, you could try an anti-histamene and if this calms the symptoms, it might help you to decide if this is an allergy or something else.
Rossi, I don't know what that is but I expect you're right and it's heat related, if there was an accompanying rash, I'd say allergy but since you don't mention that. Sorry, I know that's not much help. The only thing I can suggest is that you wear natural fibres, ones that will absorb the moisture better when you're likely become overheated.

Dame, that's a classic allergic reaction. It's usually more a contact than a stress related one though. It could be triggered by something you touch like detergents, less likely is something you breathe in, such as pollen or perfume, and least likely, something you ate. Does it happen more often at certain times of year?
Thanks Alison - this is a bit odd but sometimes this starts when I go to the loo in the night (hope this is not too much info!) and the backs of my legs get itchy where I sit on the seat 😱

I mentioned this to the nurse who gave me the swine flu jab and she said that there is mercury in the injection fluid - this is not there in the regular flu jab, which has never been a problem. This mercury is present in plastics so she tells me so you may well be right about the contact thing - I get a typical allergic reaction on the inside of my wrist if I wear a metal watch strap - I had forgotten that until you mentioned it as I always make sure I wear leather but it does show I have a sensitivity issue!

Odd that I don't get it most of the time- well, a good thing I suppose given our plastic coated world - I guess I would need to find why it is only triggered sometimes.
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I'm a bit of an expert when it comes to allergies. I can't wear steel watchstraps either, can't wear anything washed in Persil, eat eggs or use penicillin. I'm more allergic in the summer and can't go anywhere near oil seed rape, ever. Everyone reacts differently which is why I would always advise anyone with these kind of symptoms to talk to their doctor, nag if you have to until they take heed.
Hi Rossi

A while before diagnosis same thing happened mate.

I was fighting my bramble infestation during the summer months. Hot and lots of digging. My arms and legs went crazy pin-pricked red, but they didn't itch at all. Had to stop digging, submerged arms into a sink of cold water and after 30mins they returned to normal. Must have been to do with blood glucose in some way i reckon.

Felt like an idiot having to stop. Get some decent gardening gloves and avoid the bad stuff your digging up touching your skin (long sleeves, decent boots and gloves).

Happy digging!
Right this has been going on for I don't know maybe several months more.
I don't think it has anything to do with Dee but hell it might?

I can't seem to work out if it's when I'm high or low, but thinking about it it probably occurs when I'm more low (not hypo just lower.)

What is it? Hard to describe, at first it was like flees, and almost an all over the body itch, the only trigger I can seem to nail is it happens when I or my body gets hotish over heated, I need to take of some clothing, or like now it's when I've been doing to work in the garden. It's not always all over, it maybe top half or legs but always front and back. Maybe I'm allergic to something in the new house? But we've been in 6 months nearly now, and it happens at work when I'm hot!? But my worry is because it is almost instantly all over it's blood related? I don't need to itch it anymore more just a rub really but very very annoying, depressing actually! Just thought this place has a lot of experiences someone might confirm that I'm screwed!🙄

Right back to shifting that soil!


Could be a case of Prickly Heat

I get it, it ain't nice, small red blotches all over.
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Cheers all lots of good points.

A few notes, never noticed any redness, or rashes, although I have always been a bit of a sweaty bloke, not been sweating during these "itchy" episodes.

Whilst digging/cutting trees I have generally been wearing gloves, starting off fully clothed, but generally end up just t-shirt (and jeans!) gloves also.

Someone hear mentioned me killing the Ivy may have something to do with it/ Or shingles??

Baffling, I think I'll speak to Mr. Mallard

Thanks again all.
Cheers all lots of good points.

A few notes, never noticed any redness, or rashes, although I have always been a bit of a sweaty bloke, not been sweating during these "itchy" episodes.

Whilst digging/cutting trees I have generally been wearing gloves, starting off fully clothed, but generally end up just t-shirt (and jeans!) gloves also.

Someone hear mentioned me killing the Ivy may have something to do with it/ Or shingles??

Baffling, I think I'll speak to Mr. Mallard

Thanks again all.

Have you been cutting conifers by any chance?
nope, mainly apple trees, rhododendrons, holly and digging, it's tiring me out🙄
Some of you hinted on this before but after reading the back of a packet of anti-histamene they mention "hives" well it describes it spot on!

This website gives a brief description about it.

so it could be with me for a long time and be near impossible to trace! yipee!

Oh well I may have to have lots of cold lager to keep me cool this summer! Or move to the north pole!


I still have it....

I still have random manic itches generally when I get warm from heat or exercise/activity. I thought Hives explained it, well it does, but there has never been a rash, I know some of you mentioned other things but apart from going to doctor I don't understand what it could be, just bumping it up incase any of you newbies on here have any thoughts.

Thanks y'all

Rossi 🙂
I still have random manic itches generally when I get warm from heat or exercise/activity. I thought Hives explained it, well it does, but there has never been a rash, I know some of you mentioned other things but apart from going to doctor I don't understand what it could be, just bumping it up incase any of you newbies on here have any thoughts.

Thanks y'all

Rossi 🙂

Sounds very much like my hives. As explained earlier mine were like small boils under the skin, no rash or redness, just itched like mad. Went to the Doctor he prescribed 'Loratadine', about ?2.50 over the counter. I take one in the morning, never suffered since. Well, did one time but that was when I had run out of Tablets.
Sounds very much like my hives. As explained earlier mine were like small boils under the skin, no rash or redness, just itched like mad. Went to the Doctor he prescribed 'Loratadine', about ?2.50 over the counter. I take one in the morning, never suffered since. Well, did one time but that was when I had run out of Tablets.

How do I know if I have small boils under the skin, or rather how did you??

It is nice to hear you had no rash or redness though!

So do you take tablet every day🙄

Sorry for more questions, but thanks OH

Rossi 🙂
How do I know if I have small boils under the skin, or rather how did you??

Could feel them with my fingers. My Doctor explained that Hives can come in many forms and react differently on people. And have many causes. Not sure what caused mine but they usually erupted at night, just on going to bed time.

Just read my earlier post. Those red blotches were caused by prickley heat, something I've suffered from for years. The boil phenomenon is a recent thing.
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Hello Rossi,

Probably completely unconnected but i've always sworn i can 'feel the diabetes' in my body sometimes, especially if my levels have been up and down a little - my doctor thinks i'm mad but then she doesn't have diabetes. If you're hot you are bound to be more suceptable to itching as well and if you've been digging in the garden are your levels bouncing a bit? Gardening is hard work. If it's the same as what i think i've experienced i don't think you can do anything much about it.It does go away though.
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