Anyone get?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone get days where they are just extremely angry (almost at the point of loosing it with someone) for no reason???

Im so angry today I just wanna bash my head against a brick wall..
Hey Lou, sounds like you're having a bad time, I get there sometimes, sorry you're there now, try not to take it out on the wall, what has it done to you!?
Although you say there's no reason, there often is deep down, try and think about what it could be and try and relax some way, not sure how!

You look after yourself.

Rossi 🙂
I've been trying to think of a reason all day but can't seem to find one - which isnt helping the mood I have to admit. Its days like this I wanna sit in a sweet store and tell everyone to jog on who tries to stop me.
hmm fair enough, you need to find that sweet store then!

Maybe you should try the opposite shut yourself off in a dark room and listen to that wave music or dolphin music, have a hot bath or massage and try and drift away? I had bath earlier really relaxed me just can't seem to sleep at the mo!

If I were you I'd have a drink😉 But it often isn't the answer Lou!
Tht was my cat Elwood, we had to give both my cats up as we had to move out the flat as it was mouldy. We had Jake (a ginger kitten) and Elwood, I managed to take the pic of him mid - yawn. He was a proper character. We got him first then 2 months later got Jake so there was quite a big size difference and Elwood would carry Jake around in his mouth.

I don't mind the fact we had to give them away because I know they went to a nice home etc and if i wanted i could go see them. The fiance was more upset. I have the midset that what needs to be done needs to be done where as he is more sentimental esp bout his pets etc .


And yeah I do need to find that sweet shop lol god help anyone who stood in my way.....
wow that would be great to see a cat carry another like that, I've tried to catch ours mid yawn but so far have failed! Well like you said at least they've gone to good home 🙂

Right I'm gonna try and get some shut eye.


good luck. when i cnt sleep i usually end up bk here!! lol on my own at 4 am =) good tyms xxx
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