Anyone else have relapses and need an increase in medication ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have lost control of my diet and need to get back in the saddle

My numbness , tiredness and urination are increasing

I am on 1000 mg metformin and 5 mg saxagliptin ......going to ask the doc what they think

I find the loose bowel side effects a pain in the arse but there you go

Anyone else have times when they slip ? and need a bit of help and support ?
No, not really.
I might occasionally have a portion of fries with a meal or a burger, but that's very occasional. Less than once every 2 or 3 months, sometimes more.

I don't want the problems I experienced as a consequence of chronic high blood sugar.

My GP told me it's my responsibility to manage the condition - I guess your choice is to get back on the saddle or just get prescribed more drugs to keep it down.

Do you test?
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Anyone else have times when they slip ?
Rarely at home unless tempted by my wife's home-baked flapjacks or brownies, and even then in moderation. Fortunately she only bakes occasionally. More likely to when eating out, as I'll have no idea of how many carbs are in my meal. I'll play safe with a steak or chicken and a side salad, but if my choice comes with chips, which I never eat at home unless they're cut from celeriac, or potatoes I'll eat them.
I have lost control of my diet and need to get back in the saddle

My numbness , tiredness and urination are increasing

I am on 1000 mg metformin and 5 mg saxagliptin ......going to ask the doc what they think

I find the loose bowel side effects a pain in the arse but there you go

Anyone else have times when they slip ? and need a bit of help and support ?
hiya. i have slipped quite a bit recently. The odd croissant. some Italian cantucci. bread..... some of His chips off his plate. it all adds up.

My solution: just go back on a month of 800 cal a day lighter life / exante shakes and top up green veg to reset. But it is so hard. I am a 5'6" woman and I got to 101kg when diagnosed. That was all my fault. I then lost shed loads on low carb/Newcastle diet. I'm now 94kg but I had it got down to 88. But I 'felt' starving despite not needing more than about 1000 calories day. For me its FOMO: Hubby stuffs doritos, beer, cheese, crackers, croissants, pasta chips etc. and I AM SO FED UP OF BROCCOLI. But the alternative is the conditions being type 2 bring us so today its a yoghurt for brekkie, no snacks, 2 egg low fat cheese omlette with fried tomato for lunch, roasted ham chicken breast and stir fry for tea. You Can Do this.

I know it sucks a$$ but you have to save yourself. I wanted to try Ozempic/wegovy but the celebs and private dieters have robbed it all. considering getting some that way myself as i hear it does sit on appetite. and i'm a greedy bugger.

End of the day its down to us type 2s to do low carb and restrict some of our calorie intake to stop us getting that visceral fat on our pancreas and liver and ending up with no toes/kidney damage/blind/heart attack.

sending you angry solidarity veg hugs.
I have lost control of my diet and need to get back in the saddle

My numbness , tiredness and urination are increasing

I am on 1000 mg metformin and 5 mg saxagliptin ......going to ask the doc what they think

I find the loose bowel side effects a pain in the arse but there you go

Anyone else have times when they slip ? and need a bit of help and support ?
Dinner's in the dog. Say no more.
I have over many years I have been at this game , I have had to reevaluate what works me and adjust. Sometimes I have had my medications adjusted too!
I have over many years I have been at this game , I have had to reevaluate what works me and adjust. Sometimes I have had my medications adjusted too!
do you have any top tips Grovesy
No, not really.
I might occasionally have a portion of fries with a meal or a burger, but that's very occasional. Less than once every 2 or 3 months, sometimes more.

I don't want the problems I experienced as a consequence of chronic high blood sugar.

My GP told me it's my responsibility to manage the condition - I guess your choice is to get back on the saddle or just get prescribed more drugs to keep it down.

Do you test?
I have over many years I have been at this game , I have had to reevaluate what works me and adjust. Sometimes I have had my medications adjusted too!
That's the sort of positive , meaningful post I can relate to
I have lost control of my diet and need to get back in the saddle

My numbness , tiredness and urination are increasing

I am on 1000 mg metformin and 5 mg saxagliptin ......going to ask the doc what they think

I find the loose bowel side effects a pain in the arse but there you go

Anyone else have times when they slip ? and need a bit of help and support ?
Hi there, yes it's quite normal to walk up through the quantity and quality of medication as the consequences of the condition progesses. Your metformin dosage is odd. 500 and 1000 are just introductory and loading doses, the minimum effective dose is 1500 and most of us metformin users are on 2000. Perhaps your low dose has something to do with the combination with saxagliptin, a DPP Inhibitor. But metformin increases the toileting if accompanied by high carbs. So I suggest moderating carbs, the traditional advice for the last hundred years ! Before anything else. Or though you might raise the issue of possibly stepping up the Metformin dose accompanied by stricter control of carbs. How long have you been dxed, is the low metformin dose just inertia ? Do remember that saxagliptin can also cause diarrhoea, so a switch to a different DPP Inhibitor might be in order ?
Hi there, yes it's quite normal to walk up through the quantity and quality of medication as the consequences of the condition progesses. Your metformin dosage is odd. 500 and 1000 are just introductory and loading doses, the minimum effective dose is 1500 and most of us metformin users are on 2000. Perhaps your low dose has something to do with the combination with saxagliptin, a DPP Inhibitor. But metformin increases the toileting if accompanied by high carbs. So I suggest moderating carbs, the traditional advice for the last hundred years ! Before anything else. Or though you might raise the issue of possibly stepping up the Metformin dose accompanied by stricter control of carbs. How long have you been dxed, is the low metformin dose just inertia ? Do remember that saxagliptin can also cause diarrhoea, so a switch to a different DPP Inhibitor might be in order ?
Hi , diagnosed about 18 months ago

Prescribed 5 mg dapagliflozin today instead of saxagliptin 5mg

To remain on 500mg x 2 metformin till next review ?
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