Anyone actually using Libre 3?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a question regarding the Libre 3 app.

In a chat with my consultant a while back she told me that the app no longer had the ability to add Notes. So she wouldn't be able to see my insulin usage remotely from Libreview as she does now. She considered this a backward step. Me too.

I have scoured Abbott's website and found a mention of 'adding Notes' but with no detail.

Can anyone confirm that the new app will store Notes? I realise it won't be directly linked with a scan, but would be time stamped presumably so it would be reported correctly.

Also there is mention of a new Librelink account being required. It says that your old Libre 2 stuff will be dragged across and appear in the new account.

Can anyone confirm this? And does it have to be re-shared with yor HCPs?

In a chat with my consultant a while back she told me that the app no longer had the ability to add Notes. So she wouldn't be able to see my insulin usage remotely from Libreview as she does now.
I must admit I've never really entered my insulin doses. Presuming LibreLink is updated to support reading Novopen 6 (and Echo Plus) I probably will, then. (I suspect I'm just too lazy, which is one reason I like Libre so much. (Other CGMs would be just as good from that perspective, as would a bunch of glucometers with Bluetooth that I've never used.))
So are you actually using L3 or was the above just an observation?
So are you actually using L3 or was the above just an observation?
Just an observation. (Sorry for the confusion.)

This video says you can add Notes. Irritatingly it doesn't show one being added (so I'm not sure whether it's different to the original LibreLink app). It's possible it's been changed, of course.
I watched the video link provided by @Bruce Stephens, and it seems very unlikely the note function will be changed from previous versions of the app. You can clearly see the add note button.

Screen shot below

libre 3 add notes.PNG
This video is in German, but it shows notes being left in the FreeStyle Libre 3 app (at 1:42).
I watched the video link provided by @Bruce Stephens, and it seems very unlikely the note function will be changed from previous versions of the app.
It does look very like the app for 1 and 2, so I imagine the notes bit is the same too.
Thanks all for that. Seems conclusive. Not sure why my consultant would have thought otherwise. She's normally very well informed. In fact I'm sure she said, she and/or her team had worn one for a test period to check it out.

As I use Juggluco for CGM, her view was 'if it ain't broke...', but I'm keen to keep things as simple as possible with only one responsible (?) agent (Abbott) involved.

Thanks again.
Good question though Barry I use the notes loads, to add my food, and what exercise I’m doing as I don’t think the current exercise option is enough.
Good question though Barry I use the notes loads, to add my food, and what exercise I’m doing as I don’t think the current exercise option is enough.
Me too. I'm a data obsessive. Right from back in my 'honeymoon period' I used to record every item of a meal and its carbs, every snack, every bit of exercise (not gardening or housework although it's cutting the grass that gives me my worst hypos), every injection. Still do, and never miss a thing.

Being retired and a teeny bit OCD helps😉. A pain to live with though:rofl:.
Does anyone know if the apps will coexist on the same phone? I'd like to try it out and see what it has in it.
I have the Libre 3 app installed on my phone and yes, I am able to add notes.
I can also confirm that the LibreLink and Libre 3 app will run simultaneously.
The app is currently downloadable on compatible Android phones, with full functionality and navigability with or without a sensor running. Abbott are still awaiting clearance for the iPhone version of the app
@Quincy thanks. Not relevant to me, but the iOS version IS on the iPad app store. Haven't checked the iPhone one. That German guy who does all the Libre tips has a rather convoluted route for getting it.

I swing like a pendulum between iPhone and Pixel. I have a scratch that only a iPhone will sooth, but every time I really compare ecosystems I go down on Google. Fairly objective I think. I do have Apple in the house - Macbook here, wife has an iPad.

Also there's the feeling that there are more 'problems' on iOS. Who knows? I have asked before about happy users and there are loads. So....?

Anyway I'm posting off topic here. Sorry. Thanks again.

Edit: Also, what happened with LibreView? Did you have to create something new for the L3 and it then dragged across the L2 stuff or how did it work?
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