Any young people like me?

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Diagnosed pre-diabetes today at age 30. Fasting blood glucose showed 116 mg/dL, up from 95 just 12 months ago.

Still wrapping my head around this wondering if I can hold off T2D or if it’s inevitable since I’m so young with PD.
I was diagnosed T2 age 20, now 34. I never had pre diabetes, just went from non diabetic to diabetic over a couple of weeks from fasting bgs. I was at the GPs for something else and they put blood sugars on the panel of tests.


No it is not inevitable! I was diagnosed at 25 and really struggled with the idea of diabetes having a long timeline to develop- it felt like a looming spectre.

5 years down the line, having changed to a low carb diet + intermittent fasting, my blood sugar readings are always now in the normal range (without medication).

Feel free to drop me a message if you need to ask anything / moral support. The diagnostic age for insulin resistance is getting younger and younger and the current narrative resources don't necessarily reflect this change in demographic.

I'm 35 so a little older than you. I was diagnosed with T2 last year with a fasting BG of 126mg. Also diagnosed with high cholesterol and triglycerides and high uric acid oh and high blood pressure. I was very overweight (108kg) and was advised to lose weight and put on Metformin/Dapagliflozin, plus meds for the other issues.

6 months down the line I have lost 20kg and am off the uric acid treatment. My blood sugar has come down a bit and should come down more when I lose more weight. I'm averaging around 100mg from my finger pricking, with it being higher in the mornings (gotta love Dawn phenomenon).

I've seen the GP and an endocrinologist and they are happy with my progress. I still have a long way to go but if you get a handle on it early and make the necessary changes to your diet and exercise you should see those numbers come down a bit.

Good luck!
I'm 35 so a little older than you. I was diagnosed with T2 last year with a fasting BG of 126mg. Also diagnosed with high cholesterol and triglycerides and high uric acid oh and high blood pressure. I was very overweight (108kg) and was advised to lose weight and put on Metformin/Dapagliflozin, plus meds for the other issues.

6 months down the line I have lost 20kg and am off the uric acid treatment. My blood sugar has come down a bit and should come down more when I lose more weight. I'm averaging around 100mg from my finger pricking, with it being higher in the mornings (gotta love Dawn phenomenon).

I've seen the GP and an endocrinologist and they are happy with my progress. I still have a long way to go but if you get a handle on it early and make the necessary changes to your diet and exercise you should see those numbers come down a bit.

Good luck!
Oh also, I had crazy, out of control gestational diabetes when I was pregnant in 2020. So while I was never classed as in the prediabetic range, GD can be a precursor to developing T2 later apparently.
Just a question - are you not resident in the UK, as in the UK we don't measure BG in mg/dl ?
We will of course help where we can - but it's something we'll all need to be aware of - your mg/dl needs to be divided by 18 to convert to our mmol/l measurements - so your meter reading of 90 is 5.0 in the uk and vice versa. The HbA1c numbers don't convert anywhere near as easily! - pre diabetes = 42-47; 48 upwards = diabetes.
We will of course help where we can - but it's something we'll all need to be aware of - your mg/dl needs to be divided by 18 to convert to our mmol/l measurements - so your meter reading of 90 is 5.0 in the uk and vice versa. The HbA1c numbers don't convert anywhere near as easily! - pre diabetes = 42-47; 48 upwards = diabetes.
I believe my 116 mg/dL converts to 6.4 mmol/L
Diagnosed pre-diabetes today at age 30. Fasting blood glucose showed 116 mg/dL, up from 95 just 12 months ago.

Still wrapping my head around this wondering if I can hold off T2D or if it’s inevitable since I’m so young with PD.

I’m not a doctor - or a ‘young person’ but from the wide variety of resources I’ve checked out - if you’re in the ‘pre diabetes’ category - as long as you deal with it now I think there’s every chance you can stay healthy. (My daughter lives in NYC and is in the same situation. She’s dealing it with a low carb diet and I’m confident she won’t go on to develop T2 -but you need to find the way that works best for you )
I’m not a doctor - or a ‘young person’ but from the wide variety of resources I’ve checked out - if you’re in the ‘pre diabetes’ category - as long as you deal with it now I think there’s every chance you can stay healthy. (My daughter lives in NYC and is in the same situation. She’s dealing it with a low carb diet and I’m confident she won’t go on to develop T2 -but you need to find the way that works best for you )
Just a question - are you not resident in the UK, as in the UK we don't measure BG in mg/dl ?
Just a question - are you not resident in the UK, as in the UK we don't measure BG in mg/dl ?

My brain doesn’t convert different measurements too quickly - but my daughter lives in US so I try to keep on top of it.
Maybe this could help?85CCEBCA-5B99-4BA0-9132-D59CE3F82EB0.jpeg
Just a question - are you not resident in the UK, as in the UK we don't measure BG in m

My brain struggles with ‘conversions’ but my daughter lives in US so I try to keep on top of it.

Maybe this will help?


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