Any type 1's out there who struggle to intentionally gain weight?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Always easier for me to loose it than gain it.

Anyone else out there?
I've only been diagnosed a couple of years, but found it very difficult initially to gain weight. I was 8st 4 on diagnosis and it was at least a year before I got up to 9st. However, with no changes to my diet I am now 12st and finding it difficult to get down to what I regard as my 'ideal' weight of around 10 st 7. My weight seems to have stabilised at 12st for some reason, which is at the upper end of my BMI.
currently at 8 and a bit stone which is apparently perfect. I, however, believe myself to be putting on weight...and this needs to stop :/
My healthy weight before diagnosis was a perfect 8 and half stone, plummeted right down to 7 st and half stone when i was diagnosed and 5 months later i am 10 stone and not particularly happy :(
My healthy weight before diagnosis was a perfect 8 and half stone, plummeted right down to 7 st and half stone when i was diagnosed and 5 months later i am 10 stone and not particularly happy :(

Nikki, that sounds just like me! Let's see what we can do over the next year or os.
Weight problems

Nikki, that sounds just like me! Let's see what we can do over the next year or os.

I can identify with all this. Weighed approx 7st 7lb on diagnosis and the figures kept climbing over the years, despite being told insulin didn't cause weight gain (many types do). Then a low thyroid added to the problem.

Despite my best efforts, even dropping by half a pound is a major task. Typical scenario - increased exercise=low sugar (even on right diet with background CHO ready to kick in) = need for more CHO = weight gain.

Perhaps Northerner might consider a weight loss group for encouragement.

All the best to everyone who's struggling.
I can easily put on weight around the middle, but am at a loss why it does fill my body evenly.:confused:
There are 2 patterns of fat accumulation - so-called android / male pattern / apple shape / around the abdomen; and so-called gynoid / female pattern / pear shape / around the hips. However, it's possible for women to have male pattern fatness and men to have female pattern fatness. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about where fat is deposited, just ensure there's not too much. Exercise can tone up muscles, but not turn fat to muscle. There's an additional dvision of fat within the abdomen, comparing sub cutaneous (under skin), around organs and in liver, usually investigated by ultra sound, but only in research so far, not in screening practice.
Personally, I've always been skinny, but any fat that did accumulate was around my abdomen; only started putting on weight from diagnosis with type 1 diabetes, age 30, and now, over 40, do have to try a bit harder not to put on more. However, swimming in cold water, cold weather, sitting on rocks etc are all more comfortable now.
I was 'slim' for years and years, until I recently started controlling better and had much less highs, then the weight crept up.

I'm now struggling to lose it. :(

Enjoy it while you can 🙂

There's an additional dvision of fat within the abdomen, comparing sub cutaneous (under skin), around organs and in liver, usually investigated by ultra sound, but only in research so far, not in screening practice.

I bought myself a spiffy set of scales which sends a small current through the body to estimate the body fat %. It also provides a number which gives a 'measure' of visceral fat (i.e. that surrounding the internal organs). Whilst I have been losing weight this visceral fat measure has been reducing consistently too, so I'm confident that it is measuring something useful!

(not quite on topic, but I thought it was interesting!) :D

Nikki, that sounds just like me! Let's see what we can do over the next year or os.

Good idea 🙂 i really wanna get back to what i was before, its just so depressing when i try to get dressed and nothing fits! healthy eating i think!! lol 😛
I bought myself a spiffy set of scales which sends a small current through the body to estimate the body fat %. It also provides a number which gives a 'measure' of visceral fat (i.e. that surrounding the internal organs). Whilst I have been losing weight this visceral fat measure has been reducing consistently too, so I'm confident that it is measuring something useful!

(not quite on topic, but I thought it was interesting!) :D


Lol i did one of those at boots. My BMI was 20, but my body fat was 44%. Did it at another boots and got the same result! Pharmacist said not to worry, as the result can't be true!

I've increased my calorie intake and it seems to be helping. Problem is that I loose so much when I'm stressed.
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