any suggestions

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
my trying to reduce the amount of insulin i use (was 268 units a day now168)by prescribing me a tablet to take as well.i have tried metformin and pioglitzone and i currently taking gliclazide all of these give me terrible terrible stomach cramps,flatulance and diarrhoea.has anyone any suggestions on how to reduce insulin without pill please .thanks
I'm really sorry you're having this trouble. I've cut mine loads with metformin and luckily the side effects haven't been too bad, but when I was prescribed it my nurse said there are two types of metformin. The one I have is the really cheap one, the other is about 10x more expensive but has less side effects. Have you been given that one to try?
Just wondering why you and your GP wnat to reduce the amount of insulin you take?

have you tried reducing amount of carbohydrate in your diet? that would usually decrease the amount of insulin you need
Try reducing carbs and if you are able get more active. Getting more active can be done with simple things like getting off bus one stop early or going for a walk in your lunch break. It doesn't have to be boring stuff, lots of people like to dance, also helps if you can do it with a friend or exercise buddy.

I find metformin upsets my tummy too if I don't eat properly, or if I've had too much sugar, so keep an eye on what you eat and when tummy is out of sorts. Maybe a diary would help and then chat with doc as you'll already have a record of what's happening.

I have Ulcerative Colitis and metformin made me so ill i was hospitalised and the slow release did the same just took a day or two longer to have the same effect, i'm not sure why they are still using it as it effects everyone i know in the same way without them having a bowel disorder!! :(
As mentioned previously, you can try reducing your carbs. Have a look at this web site it belongs to Jenny Ruhl who is a well known low carber. If you do go "Low Carb" your doc WILL have to reduce your insulin!
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g.p. wants to reduce insulin because of weight gain.average readings was 7mmol but now they increased to 12
have you considered byetta?
I do know that it can cause some GI symptoms though so might not be sutiable.
it can be used in conjuction with insulin and helps alot of peope to lose weight.

seems like reducing your insulin has only resulted in increasing blood suagrs,
erm, pioglitazone CAUSES weight gain. i was put on it last year along with sr glucophage and within 6 weeks i put on 4 stone. horrendous! my nurse had such a go at me, but my optician then got out his book and showed me that a main side effect is weight gain. nurse didnt care until the inhouse pharmacist came in to talk to me too and realised straight away what the problem was. he advised gliclazide and keep on s r glucophage and, hey presto! no more weight gain and no more bad stomach. i swear my gas was to be heard for miles around previous to that! try to be careful of how much dark green veg you consume too, like sprouts and cabbage. hope this helps x
erm, pioglitazone CAUSES weight gain. i was put on it last year along with sr glucophage and within 6 weeks i put on 4 stone. horrendous! my nurse had such a go at me, but my optician then got out his book and showed me that a main side effect is weight gain. nurse didnt care until the inhouse pharmacist came in to talk to me too and realised straight away what the problem was. he advised gliclazide and keep on s r glucophage and, hey presto! no more weight gain and no more bad stomach. i swear my gas was to be heard for miles around previous to that! try to be careful of how much dark green veg you consume too, like sprouts and cabbage. hope this helps x

Hi. I'm on gliclazide which tends to cause fluid retention and I was warned that this would cause some weight increase. It has, but only about 2kg in three months.

Regret that the "flatulence factor" is excessive; NASA could use me as a booster rocket🙂 and I would love to control it as "carpet slippers" with no sound effects. I can't blame the dog in a shop or a lift:(
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