Any stroke survivor's out there?

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I had a stroke 2 years ao now 😉......... plus other probs too , will take a look Now . thanks
Hugs Mox

In 1995 I had a brain heamorage and stroke at the age of 37yrs. It was pretty tough and I was in a really old shabby hospital. I was very frightened and quite a distanse from home. I had ct scans and the aweful mri's. Also they inserted a fine tube in my groin and fed the tube up to my brain. and sprayed my brain with some sort of dye to see what was going on. I was in for a few weeks and then I got home. I worked hard to walk, my left side was affected by the stroke, my left eye is still not as good as right eye. However The only difference you would notice on me is that my mouth is very slightly lower on the left than right. I am back to normal but it took a lot of hard work, but well worth it. Although I don't think I have ever been "normal" hahahahahaha. Take care of yourself.
Thanks for the link. I'm sure there are many people who will find it usefull.
In 1995 I had a brain heamorage and stroke at the age of 37yrs. It was pretty tough and I was in a really old shabby hospital. I was very frightened and quite a distanse from home. I had ct scans and the aweful mri's. Also they inserted a fine tube in my groin and fed the tube up to my brain. and sprayed my brain with some sort of dye to see what was going on. I was in for a few weeks and then I got home. I worked hard to walk, my left side was affected by the stroke, my left eye is still not as good as right eye. However The only difference you would notice on me is that my mouth is very slightly lower on the left than right. I am back to normal but it took a lot of hard work, but well worth it. Although I don't think I have ever been "normal" hahahahahaha. Take care of yourself.

You were younger than me at the time of your stroke, hell of a shock isn't it. I'm 44 and had mine 4 months ago, affected my right hand mainly, with some dragging of right foot and am left with some cognitive problems mainly memory and this dreadful wall of tiredness that suddenly launches itself at me. The hospital you were in doesn't sound nice, I was in one some miles from home but luckily I belong to a local church and they sorted transport for hubby. The ward was full of old confused people and I just burst into tears when they took me there. I was only in one night and discharged with a diagnosis of a TIA, when the consultant saw me he wasn't happy with the diagnosis and ordered an MRI which found it was an actual stroke. I am using my hand again now but my grip is unreliable and I grope around for coins etc. I'm not allowed to cook a meal from scratch as I turn the gas on,don't light it and forget! Only my brain knows why! You have done well to make the recovery you have but although others wouldn't know what's happened I bet you still do, do you struggle with tiredness? I think I am still a bit shell shocked by it all,but like you I've never been normal so no change there! Thanks for replying.xx
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