Any other Type 3c diabetics about?

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Dave W

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I'll be interested to hear if there are any others who have been diagnosed as T3c as it does appear to be a relatively recently recognised variant and more akin to T1 than T2.
There are a number of people with Type 3c here @Dave W eg @Proud to be erratic @soupdragon @eggyg @martindt1606 I think it’s always been recognised - well, for many years because I remember it being listed in the book I had at diagnosis almost 30 years ago, but I do think many adults are just assumed to be Type 2 when they’re actually 3c or Type 1.
Hi @Dave W
I'm Type 3c following pancreatitis and my diabetes is treated in the same way as Type 1s, with the addition of digestive enzymes (Creon).
I've been treated as a Type 3c from the start as it was clear that the pancreatitis caused my diabetes but there are others who haven't been so lucky and have been assumed to be Type 2 despite having pancreatic damage.

Has it taken a while for you to be confirmed to be 3c?
Hello @Dave W, I'm T3c after a Whipples in Feb 2020 which ended up as a total pancreatectomy to resolve my Pancreatic Cancer. Have you been in this small select club for long?
I’m Type 3c after having a distal pancreatectomy ( tail and body of pancreas removed) in 2007. I’m treat as Type 1 now but was initially diagnosed Type 2. Only got new diagnosis five years ago after much pushing. I now have a Freestyle Libre and will be able to access the same technology in the future, ie pump, if needed. Luckily more is now known about 3c but you will still come across quite a few HCPs who will never have heard of it.
Many thanks for the replies everyone!
It took a few years for me to be 'promoted' from Type 2 to Type 3c. My GP didn't have much understanding at all about diabetes in general but did eventually, after a bit of pushing on my part, refer me to secondary care and a diabetes team and I was then started on insulin. However it was a scan for another condition that revealed a calcified cyst on my pancreas and a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, so I'm now taking Creon and multiple daily injections of insulin. I was confirmed Type 3c in October 2021.
Many thanks for the replies everyone!
It took a few years for me to be 'promoted' from Type 2 to Type 3c. My GP didn't have much understanding at all about diabetes in general but did eventually, after a bit of pushing on my part, refer me to secondary care and a diabetes team and I was then started on insulin. However it was a scan for another condition that revealed a calcified cyst on my pancreas and a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, so I'm now taking Creon and multiple daily injections of insulin. I was confirmed Type 3c in October 2021.
Which insulins do you use and do you have Libre on prescription or some other CGM?

How are you managing? Diabetes can be a bit relentless sometimes, especially when using insulin, so feel free to let off steam about anything that bugs you because I am sure plenty of us will relate to whatever it is. Even the most supportive nearest and dearest can't really understand what it is like, so it can help to spill the beans here and spare our loved ones the glazed expressions!
Which insulins do you use and do you have Libre on prescription or some other CGM?

How are you managing? Diabetes can be a bit relentless sometimes, especially when using insulin, so feel free to let off steam about anything that bugs you because I am sure plenty of us will relate to whatever it is. Even the most supportive nearest and dearest can't really understand what it is like, so it can help to spill the beans here and spare our loved ones the glazed expressions!
I take Lantus and Novorapid and I get my Libre sensors on prescription - thank goodness! Generally my control is pretty good and I'm usually above 90% within target levels, but it does take a lot time and effort, carb counting or estimating, and balancing insulin doses and I get a bit fed up at times particularly first thing in the morning when I just want to get out and get going and I have to inject a basal dose followed by a bolus before breakfast. My main downfall is over-correcting lows, but I don't think I'm alone in this.
There are so many variables at play when managing diabetes, I liken it to shooting arrows at a moving target on a windy day.
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