Any foods you dont inject for...?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just curious as i had some bacon n eggs at around 4am (after a night out - sober 🙂 ) and totally forgot to inject, started freakin out a little but then checked my bloods 2-3 hours later and they had barely moved from what they were before!

So just wondering if there are any foods, such as this that you dont inject for and are ok afterwards?
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you won't need to inject for foods that don't contain carbs - hence bacon and eggs being fine!

the ones i've found i can get away with are certain meats (check the packet though eg sausages quite often contain carbs), cottage cheese and vegetarian sausages. i'm sure there are lots more though!
Although eggs are protein i do them as 5 carbs each - if i dont cover with insulin then Alex will go high. But it could be that it doesnt do this to you as everyone is different. Things like salmon and salad are no carb and cheese.🙂Bev
Although eggs are protein i do them as 5 carbs each - if i dont cover with insulin then Alex will go high. But it could be that it doesnt do this to you as everyone is different. Things like salmon and salad are no carb and cheese.🙂Bev

that's interesting, bev! i've never noticed any eggs doing anything to my levels.

oh but wait, we're talking about diabetes aren't we...nothing is ever the same!!
Hmm i wonder if i can live off eggs and bacon..? :D

Yea i have found cheese and nuts dont do much either so i snack on those! i guess everyone is different i will just have to do lots of testing to see what suits me!

so i dont always have to take insulin then? as i had eggs and bacon i only did one shot of rapid acting insulin today for my main meal (as i slept through lunch) i can do less shots some days if im eating low carb, i know you cant medically advise me but own experiences?
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what you're looking at now is carb counting...and then working out your ratios (how much insulin you take according to how many carbs you eat). lots of people start off by taking 1 unit of insulin for every 15g of carbs they eat. personally, i take 1u for every 5g at breakfast, 1u per 7.5g carbs at lunch and then 1u per 10g at teatime. they generally work for me (although i always have off days, as does everyone i think).

you work this out by testing pre-meal and then 2 hours post can see what effect the food you've eaten has had. a lot of people need more insulin in the mornings, for example! i take twice as much insulin in the morning as i do in the evening.

Adrienne is really good at helping people with this, if she's around (i know she's very busy at the mo).

best thing i can advise is to ask your diabetes specialist nurse to get you onto a carb counting course.
Hmm i wonder if i can live off eggs and bacon..? :D

Yea i have found cheese and nuts dont do much either so i snack on those! i guess everyone is different i will just have to do lots of testing to see what suits me!

so i dont always have to take insulin then? as i had eggs and bacon i only did one shot of rapid acting insulin today for my main meal (as i slept through lunch) i can do less shots some days if im eating low carb, i know you cant medically advise me but own experiences?

In theory, you should be able to last for 24 hours using your basal insulin. But in practice this is sometimes hard to do. If you are eating very low carbs then you only need a tiny amount of fast acting. But you will always need your slow acting whatever you do.🙂Bev
This raises a very interesting point for me. My DSN suggested starting with 4 units of insulin 3 times a day with meals. It sounds like peeps are taking insulin as and when they eat - is this so? I have been carb counting (as best I can) with a 1:15 ratio. Have recently added corrections if needed an hour or two after the meal. Also need far less at breakfast than the rest of the day. My sense is that, when experienced, people are able to adjust insulin according to what & when they eat. Is this the case?:confused:
This raises a very interesting point for me. My DSN suggested starting with 4 units of insulin 3 times a day with meals. It sounds like peeps are taking insulin as and when they eat - is this so? I have been carb counting (as best I can) with a 1:15 ratio. Have recently added corrections if needed an hour or two after the meal. Also need far less at breakfast than the rest of the day. My sense is that, when experienced, people are able to adjust insulin according to what & when they eat. Is this the case?:confused:

that is EXACTLY what we do! the thing is - you don't need to be experienced to grasp the basics. see if you can get on a carb counting course or something similar.
This raises a very interesting point for me. My DSN suggested starting with 4 units of insulin 3 times a day with meals. It sounds like peeps are taking insulin as and when they eat - is this so? I have been carb counting (as best I can) with a 1:15 ratio. Have recently added corrections if needed an hour or two after the meal. Also need far less at breakfast than the rest of the day. My sense is that, when experienced, people are able to adjust insulin according to what & when they eat. Is this the case?:confused:

Yup, that's it exactly 🙂 Although it may be, as you are Type 1.5 and possibly still producing some of your own insulin that you are on fixed doses due to the unpredictability of your pancreas, so speak to your DSN before making any changes yourself.🙂
This raises a very interesting point for me. My DSN suggested starting with 4 units of insulin 3 times a day with meals. It sounds like peeps are taking insulin as and when they eat - is this so? I have been carb counting (as best I can) with a 1:15 ratio. Have recently added corrections if needed an hour or two after the meal. Also need far less at breakfast than the rest of the day. My sense is that, when experienced, people are able to adjust insulin according to what & when they eat. Is this the case?:confused:

When i first came out of hospital i was put on fixed doses of 10 units novarapid with every meal! however this was waay to much and i was having lows ALL the time after meals so i started to learn to carb count by myself (and thanks to the advice of these lovely people) i started myself on a ration of 1 unit insulin to 10g carbs and it seems to be working for me so far! Do ask your DSN to be put on a carb counting course as i did and will be doing one in about 4 months time 🙂
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