Any experience of this?

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What the..?

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I wonder if I could pick your brains? I've been moderately low carb for about a year, and doing well on it. I've not been too rigid, assessing intake and adjusting as I go. I've had the occasional higher carb meal, but cut down elsewhere as required. But yesterday was pretty hectic. A friend was coming over and I was very busy cooking and tidying and cleaning all day, and neglected to prepare a proper lunch for myself, reverting, for the first time in over a year, to my old standby of a couple of pieces of toast with a lump of cheese, just because I was so exhausted. I was very active after lunch, as well as before, and set about making our friend's favourite meal which I used to cook a lot pre-diagnosis - macaroni cheese with bacon and leeks. I had intended to make my own portion with cauliflower instead of pasta, but time ran away with me, and I ended up eating the same as everyone else. I've got to say, after not having any for so long, it was absolutely delicious, and I had seconds - I know, I know, what a fool! We also had roast carrots and balsamic tomatoes. I know that all of this, apart from the leeks and bacon, was going well above my usual daily carb intake of about a hundred a day, but hoped that it wouldn't be too bad as I'd been really physically active. But I woke at about 4am, needing the loo, which hasn't happened for such a long time. Then I couldn't get back to sleep, so have been up since then, and I wondered if this could be related to carb overload? I wondered if it was my body trying to pee out the sugar. I also feel hungover today, despite only having one glass of wine, though that could just be lack of sleep. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Could you have been able to do a finger prick blood glucose test.

It could be as simple as lots to eat and drink.
High sugar can cause frequent urination so it’s probably that. Without testing, you won’t know for sure, but it seems likely.
May possibly be the caused of needing to use the loo in the night, and I always have a slightly hung over feeling if I have had a higher carb day than usual, but as part of the bigger picture having occasional days like this do happen when we are busy or if we can't control what we are eating. Please don't beat yourself up over this, you enjoyed it and as long as it is just occasional won't do major damage. I stick to low carb most of the time, but now when I go out etc I eat what I want as a treat.

As the others have said testing your BG levels would be the only way to know for sure.
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