Any Ex-Pats Here?

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New Member
My mum was diagnosed with Type 2 a couple of years ago by her French doctor - they moved here a few years ago - and generally gets excellent care, especially compared to some of the stuff I've just been reading on here.

BUT, she's OK with "getting by" French, but still obviously prefers to speak in English. We got to wondering, Diabetes UK has various support groups round the Great Britain and will mail things out if you're there, but there's nothing for ex-pats. Obviously treatments might be different, but just to be able to chat away, have a moan, compare stuff over here in her native tongue would be great.

So are there any ex-pats here, or anyone who knows a diabetic ex-pat? Perhaps we could look at trying to get organised?
Well, I'm an expat, but in the other direction in that I am an American in Belfast!
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