Any AnyType 2's struggling to lower their BS levels?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Despite all my continued efforts, i am still finding it a struggle to lower my BS levels on diet and excercise alone. I have lost 2 stones in weight already and now working towards my 3rd stone (i want to lose 5 stones in total). I go for walks every day (30 mins every day and 1 hour walks at weekends), my diet i feel is very healthly and although i have not completely cut out carbs, i have lowered them considerably but my levels still seem to stick in the 7's fasting and just lately 8.4 or 8.5 (sometimes lower like 7.8 etc) but i feel that i am really working hard with diet and excercise and the levels just don't seem to get any lower despite my hard work - is anyone else struggling like this?
This comment may sound harsh initially and I know what it can be like to feel your efforts are ineffective, but wow, you are going really well so stop worrying.

I would be delighted to be acheiving results like that. Weight loss occurring, exercise being done, careful eating in place. Brilliant, I would say.

If the BS isnt coming down any further, then it may be that there is nothing additional you can do, after all dont forget that T2 is not dependant on weight and inactivity, it is a failure of the body to either produce enough insulin or to make effective use of it. Sometimes, the fittest, healthiest folk also need medication to make up for a dodgy pancreas.

The psychology of T2 is something that my DSN is worried about as I get bouts of feeling it is all my fault, but in my more rational moments I know it isnt. Providing you are eating healthily, exercising on a regular basis and the weight is still coming down, then DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP, you are doing great.

Keep up the work, and keep the faith.

You are doing very well and working very hard. We don't always achive perfect results. You are making all the right changes.

It may be possible your natural level is a little higher, so it may be worth discussing with your care team The aim is to be between 4 and 7, but a few people seem to hover round the 8 mark.

What sort of numbers were you before you started? If you were a bit high, it could be you have leveld off for a while, which I am assured is normal.
Hi again Carina,

As I've said to you many times before in postings and PMs, you are doing great on the losing weight and exercise fronts. Great stuff! Keep that up!

However, in my opinion, diet is your most powerful weapon in fighting your Type 2 condition - in particular, cutting back on the starchy carbohydrates - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes and things like pizza too - but you need to be very careful with rice and pasta too. You are testing so you should be able to see that to be the case quite clearly.

Best wishes as usual - John
I think you are doing great, sounds like you are organised & doing all the right things, my numbers were like that at first & i think we all can admit to beating ourselfs up over things like this, but before you know it you will acheive your target. everyone is different as Caroline mentions 4-7 could be your natural levels.
Keep up the good work your doing great.
thank you both for your replies, yes it does sound like i am beating myself up as my DN said i am doing really well, she is very pleased with me, it's just me i think striving for lower but to be honest i am doing everything i possibly can. I would like to be in the 6's but as i'm finding out it's not always possible to achieve that, will do my best until my next HbA1c in June and hope that i will be OK.
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