Any advise welcomed

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Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
I will explain my symptoms and I am desperate really as have found no explanation yet to my life limiting situation.
I have struggled with these symptoms for years: hunger even after eating, night hunger, anxiety, irritability, lethargy, weakness, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, low moods, groggy eyes, clumsy, dazed zombie stare, it literally feels as if my body is not converting the food I eat into energy. These symptoms come and go all day and night every single day and get better after eating, well they get better when the food "kicks in", the speed of which depends on what i eat. If i eat sugar then the symptoms go away and i feel like a normal person. But i try not to eat sugary things too much.
I am slim, active, 46 years old and mostly eat proper food, fruit. Veg, nuts seeds, meat fish, eggs, wholemeal bread, and dairy, oats and white potatoes. But like a pudding too.
But its high fat (other than sugar) that releives my symptoms, butter, full fat milk, and fatty meats like lamb. If i eat chicken breast or white fish i feel sorry for my family as i am raging with "Hanger". I feel awful as if ive not eaten anything if i eat lean stuff.

I always felt it was like low blood sugar and seemed to fit the symptoms. But many tests at the doctors said there is nothing wrong with my blood sugar. In the end a doctor at the hospital said "you probably have reactive hypoglycemia ". But it seemed like it wasn't really a diagnosis more like an exasperated last resort.
He gave me a finger prick tester which I didn't use at the time as I was working with open food and I just dropped out of treatment as I felt exasperated and hadn't understood the explanation of what reactive hypoglycemia was.
Last year I did use the blood sugar monitor and found that 1 or 2 hours after eating my blood sugar was quite high often in the pre diabetic range. At other times it was generally 5 ish mmol/L but sometimes quite low like 4, 4.1 and once a 3.9.

I spoke to the doctor who said these finger prick tests had been surpassed by a single blood test which would give a more accurate reading over 3months. I did the test and of course it came back all normal. No problem at all with my blood sugar.
Which doesnt help me. It controls my life, my moods and anxiety are high when the symptoms are at their worst. I cant sleep well as my insides are growlimg and my thoughts racing with anxiety. I eat a spoon if honey in the night and my mind and body almost instantly relax.
It is making my life quite miserable in many respects.
I do a lot if meditation and cbt therapy and relaxation to help with anxiety as one doctor said these symptoms were literally caused by anxiety messing with my cortisol.
But the thing is, it is the hunger symptoms which seem to send me into fierce anxiety.
I hope that is not too much info.
I just dont know where to turn for help.
I don't know anyone else who needs to eat and snack as much as me and yet the food rarely seems to completely ease the symptoms. I still feel hungry most the day and night.
Thx 🙂
Gosh what a dilemma. I don't know enough about all the symptoms of Diabetes 1 but hunger is a symptom of diabetes 2. Also ask to have your thyroid levels checked out. Hyperthyroidism can increase hunger and affect moods. (overactive thyroid).I do hope that someone with more experience will respond soon and indicate possibilities for you to follow up.

Have you looked at the posibility of either Addison's disease or Cushing's Syndrome?

Both have an effect on Cortisol - Addision's = Low, Cushing's = High..

Just a suggestion....
Last year I did use the blood sugar monitor and found that 1 or 2 hours after eating my blood sugar was quite high often in the pre diabetic range. At other times it was generally 5 ish mmol/L but sometimes quite low like 4, 4.1 and once a 3.9.

Welcome @J00J0Y 🙂 To reassure you - 4, 4.1 and 3.9 are all normal blood sugars. What was your actual blood sugar went it went “quite high”?

Have you simply tried eating foods with a lower GI (glycemic index)? Some people do seem to be more sensitive to normal blood sugar swings whereas others can happily go hours without eating. Some people do need to watch they eat regularly and choose foods wisely whereas others can skip meals and get away with eating any old thing. Also, have you used something like MyFitnessPal to check you’re getting enough calories, etc?

I agree with Kreator that other causes need ruling out if dietary changes don’t help.
Gosh what a dilemma. I don't know enough about all the symptoms of Diabetes 1 but hunger is a symptom of diabetes 2. Also ask to have your thyroid levels checked out. Hyperthyroidism can increase hunger and affect moods. (overactive thyroid).I do hope that someone with more experience will respond soon and indicate possibilities for you to follow up.
Thx, I have had thyroid checked several times over the years but apparently always normal.
Thk you fir your reply.
My doctor has referred me to specialist. So at least I will try again to get an answer.

Have you looked at the posibility of either Addison's disease or Cushing's Syndrome?

Both have an effect on Cortisol - Addision's = Low, Cushing's = High..

Just a suggestion....
Thk u. I have had adrenal level tests I think. I will look into cushings tho good idea
Last year I did use the blood sugar monitor and found that 1 or 2 hours after eating my blood sugar was quite high often in the pre diabetic range. At other times it was generally 5 ish mmol/L but sometimes quite low like 4, 4.1 and once a 3.9.

Welcome @J00J0Y 🙂 To reassure you - 4, 4.1 and 3.9 are all normal blood sugars. What was your actual blood sugar went it went “quite high”?

Have you simply tried eating foods with a lower GI (glycemic index)? Some people do seem to be more sensitive to normal blood sugar swings whereas others can happily go hours without eating. Some people do need to watch they eat regularly and choose foods wisely whereas others can skip meals and get away with eating any old thing. Also, have you used something like MyFitnessPal to check you’re getting enough calories, etc?

I agree with Kreator that other causes need ruling out if dietary changes don’t help.
Thk u for your response.
I actually realise that although I always thought my symptoms of anxiety and hunger were due to low blood sugar but that I don't have low blood sugar as u say.
I do actually seem to have high blood sugar. Well....fasting blood sugar of 6.8 which it says online is pre diabetic and sometimes 2 hours after dinner I had a 9mmol, a 10mmol. Last night 8.8 or 7.8 etc
And this seems high.
I have called my doctor who says their AC1 test says I'm 35. And so normal.but says I need to see someone if my finger prick tests are high and has asked me to monitor and call him next week. So at least something is happening.
I can only think it is thyroid or diabetes.
Thyroid failure is notoriously difficult to diagnose as it can fade and recover numerous times. I had at least 6 tests done and rather gave up before some time later having yet another test and then being told that there was something dreadfully wrong - not the best way to start an interview with a patient I would have thought.
Last year I did use the blood sugar monitor and found that 1 or 2 hours after eating my blood sugar was quite high often in the pre diabetic range. At other times it was generally 5 ish mmol/L but sometimes quite low like 4, 4.1 and once a 3.9.

Welcome @J00J0Y 🙂 To reassure you - 4, 4.1 and 3.9 are all normal blood sugars. What was your actual blood sugar went it went “quite high”?

Have you simply tried eating foods with a lower GI (glycemic index)? Some people do seem to be more sensitive to normal blood sugar swings whereas others can happily go hours without eating. Some people do need to watch they eat regularly and choose foods wisely whereas others can skip meals and get away with eating any old thing. Also, have you used something like MyFitnessPal to check you’re getting enough calories, etc?

I agree with Kreator that other causes need ruling out if dietary changes don’t help.
Oh yeah. I eat all the things that are recommended, Oats, full fat dairy, beans, nuts seeds, natural yoghurt. Fruit. Vegetables. I cook every night meat and 2 veg and boiled potatoes. I know potatoes are said to be bad, but they are the only thing which eases my hunger for longer time.
I am active. Drink only water. Slim ish.
I snacked today on boiled egg and satsuma and then oat cake and real butter. I eat olive oil and Avocado oil everyday. And about half the evenings I may eat a small piece of cake or pudding.
And I have a teaspoon of honey before bed to help combat the hunger pangs which keep awake.
Thyroid failure is notoriously difficult to diagnose as it can fade and recover numerous times. I had at least 6 tests done and rather gave up before some time later having yet another test and then being told that there was something dreadfully wrong - not the best way to start an interview with a patient I would have thought.
Exactly, i heard thyroid can come bak normal tons of times. Not very helpful.
Doctors keep saying. Nothing wrong. Tests all good.
Maybe it is stress and anxiety. But I can't help thinking that the anxiety I experience is a symptom of something else.
Your blood tests are all completely normal. It is extremely unlikely that there is anything causing your problems- not diabetes, not thyroid, not Addison’s, not Cushing. The only one of those disorders can worsen anxiety is an overactive thyroid, which you don’t have. You have had these symptoms for years, so any physical cause for your symptoms would have been found by now.

I think you’re right - it may just be stress and anxiety affecting the way you physically feel, it’s not unusual for that to happen. It’s also not unusual to get “locked in” to thinking that there must be something wrong.

All that said, it might be worth asking your GP for a referral to a counsellor for CBT therapy. You can’t treat anxiety yourself, it’s easier with help.
Some of the symptoms you list are symptoms of Reactive Hypoglycaemia - hunger even after eating, night hunger, and lethargy (that would usually be immediately after eating) in particular, and the fact that you feel better if you eat fat also suggests RH is a possibility. RH causes blood sugar to go up fast after eating and then to plummet, so your HbA1c would be normal if you had that as it would pretty much even out. It is a real diagnosis, though I'm not sure whether it's what you have, as some of your other symptoms don't really fit - though it's entirely possible to have two things at the same time, eg to have both RH and anxiety, especially if (for instance) the anxiety stems from worrying about the RH symptoms.

There's a very good Wikipedia article about RH here: - have a look at the treatment section because if you try some of these things you may find they help with some of your symptoms.
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