Any advice?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys. I'm hoping to get some opinions on this.

My work tends to throw all sorts of weird hours and projects at me, and on 12th/13th September we're having a national fundraising weekend (as we are a charity after all).

Now, originally, I was planning to jump out of a plane for this, as it's one of the things we're trying to encourage people to do (anyone want a free skydive?), but I've decided to step back from this for a couple of reasons. One is that since I'm not amazingly well controlled (as I'm bolusing only at the mo - which is tempremental) I don't think I'd get a doctor's certification easily, which the company organising the jumps would want. The second is that our Stage Manager is already jumping, and our social circles overlap too much, so that would mess up sponsorship too much.

So instead, I'm taking part in an event which is based in York (so no travel involved for me - yey), which is 24 hours of non stop theatre. The idea is that working in shifts from 5pm on the Friday, there will be 24 hours of mixed improvisation and script readings, finishing on 5pm on the Saturday, with two open-to-the-public shows, one on each evening.

The problem I have is that I'm actually busy all day on the Friday, working as bar staff for my landlord's daughter's wedding. So I'll probably finish that at about midnight. I've said I'll try to join in at the theatre to start at the 4am shift, and work through till the end.

Several people have said they're concerned that this is NOT a good idea for me. I obviously plan to eat, test, etc, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around why I couldn't do it as easily as anyone else.

Anyone got an opinion on the matter, or any ideas how I could make it work smoothly?
Hi Becky, I've found that my levels generally run higher when I've not had much sleep - i found this out last year when getting up in the middle of the night to watch the Beijing Olympics - no food, but levels were in the 8-9 range rather than the 4-5 I was normally experiencing before and after that time.

Katie and anne-marie probably know a lot more about sleep deprivation on levels!😉
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You can do anything you want!!

We all need to eat drink sleep, and us special people just need a bit of time out to test and jab, test and jab...

Some people I guess are just over cautious! It's nice they care but sometimes i wish they would naff off!!

Free skydive you say, hmm I've always wanted to do that well since I was 14 I wreckon, still never had the balls to do it, I blame my slightly tempermental knees these days!!

Enjoy it, hope it goes well.
hi i cant give advice julie but i wish you good luck and hope the days go great x
Go for it, keep an eye on the levels and adjust medication/insulin accordingly. if you feel things are getting too much have a break if you can as only you know how you feel and good luck, have fun
For me I think it would be too much to go from working all day friday then only having 4 hours break, I wouldn't be able to get any sleep in that time. i know this because I work shifts which include nights and I hate the first night because I haven't slept before it.

If it was me then i would either see if I could finish the bar work a bit earlier and then join the theatre at 4am, or i would get a bit of sleep and join the theatre at around 7-8am.

When i work night shifts my levels are prone to dropping a bit low. Because my basal is pretty perfect for me when i am sleeping, but if i am active during that time then i need some uncovered carbs. If you are only bolusing though and not using basal then this wouldn't affect you. You may well be more sensitive to the bolus insulin though at night.

I feel like I am being negative here which wasn't my intention. I don't think that the diabetes is the limiting factor, it's the lack of sleep and rest. So if it's a one off then I'm sure you can do it. Good luck with the fundraising
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