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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Tips for combating anxiety?

This last few weeks mine has been crazy. The weird stuff that goes through my head that my body’s packing up and organs are failing - it’s ridiculous.

Sounds crazy but it’s real life.

Every time I’m waiting for blood sugar reading I’m a panicking mess.

After I eat food I think one minute I’m gonna get to low then the next minute I’ve told my self my levels are gonna be sky high.

Any advice?
Sorry to hear you are so worried all the time.
I think it helps me to think about all the diabetics who came before me who didn't have BG meters or insulin pens. They had to collect a urine sample and boil it up in a test tube with a reagent to get their BG readings which was actually then out of date by about 3 hours. My uncle was diagnosed at the age of 21 and despite numerous DKAs and severe hypos because he didn't have all the fabulous tech we have now, he made it to 84 yrs of age with very little in the way of complications. He also smoked a pipe for most of his life. If he and many others like him survived for many, many years without knowing what their BG levels were in real time, I think we have much less reason to be concerned and should have every hope and confidence that we can manage our diabetes far better as a result.

I do think that nurses put far too much emphasis on getting levels in target and that can cause us anxiety and a tendency to be very critical of ourselves when we don't always, or even often, manage to hit the targets. Being self critical and feeling a failure really knocks your confidence and that leads to anxiety.
What I love about the Freestyle Libre is the emphasis on "Time in Range" rather than targets. The 3.9-10 range allows for you be successful much more often than 4-7 and you are only aiming to be in that range 70% of the time. This seems much more realistic and has enabled me to treat my diabetes management more like a game where I am competing against myself to improve my Time in Range and get a new personal best %. I don't see the numbers as being nearly so critical anymore and whilst I am chewed off if I am close to a new personal best and then fluff it at the last minute, it's just a game and I will do better tomorrow or next week and I am still doing really well but that new PB is just out of reach for now.

Not sure if you have Libre but if not, it might be worth asking about it as I think the Time in Range feature helps a lot of people to feel that they are succeeding when they felt like they were constantly failing with traditional BG targets.

Hope some of this makes sense.
First port of call is Drs, can be prescribed meds for anxiety or referred to counselling, they will help you with coping strategies.
Try speaking to yourself like you’re coaxing and advising someone else. That can help, and it distances you from what’s scaring you. For feelings of panic, breathing exercises are good. Sounds daft but stopping and breathing in and out slowly 3 or 4 times can be really calming.

If the anxiety is bad, then you should, of course, speak to your GP. Nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s very common.
it’s not ridiculous at all especially after a shock diagnosis. If it helps I have been through the worse health anxiety. It does get better and the fear becomes less intense. Just look at the many inspirational people on here and for the most part they are doing well. The anxiety itself brings on a whole host of undesirable symptoms. So now when my chest is tight, instead of deciding I’m definitely in cardiac arrest, I say Emma breathe deeply for 5 mins and if it goes away then your probably going to be just fine. Or just talk to us, it really helps to get out of that worst case scenario mindset
I suffer with extreme anxiety. And like you the thoughts that go through my head is enough to make you feel like you're going crazy.
I have GAD so it affects all aspects of my life from silly things to my health to getting caught speeding going past a camera even though I'm always well under the limit.
The biggest diabetes anxious thoughts i get is, i didn't inject right. I didn't do a test shot & I'll get a air bubble, i already took insulin & forgot & took more.
I know how you feel. It feels like your in a circle of heightened thoughts. I was offered Sertreline but refused it as another of my anxious thoughts is connected to medicine side effects. I have alot of serious health issues & take 89 tablets a day so another shouldn't be a problem. But tell my anxiety that lol
I'm also perimenopausal & about to start HRT patches & hoping they will help lessen anxiety.
Sorry for the long post but wanted to say, your not alone. And anxiety sometimes is worse than an actual physical illness & no one can see it. And if they can't see it...they don't believe in it.
The biggest diabetes anxious thoughts i get is, i didn't inject right. I didn't do a test shot & I'll get a air bubble,
Can I just put this one to rest for you...... Injecting an air bubble subcutaneously will not cause any problem. The air shot is purely to ensure that you are getting the amount of insulin you dialed up, because if there is an air bubble in it, you will get less insulin. Also very occasionally you can get a needle which is clogged and won't deliver insulin, so the air shot ensures that the needle is functional and means that the number of units you dial up is the amount that goes in.
Injecting an air bubble into a vein would be a very different matter, but into the fat under the skin, it is no risk at all.
Can I just put this one to rest for you...... Injecting an air bubble subcutaneously will not cause any problem. The air shot is purely to ensure that you are getting the amount of insulin you dialed up, because if there is an air bubble in it, you will get less insulin. Also very occasionally you can get a needle which is clogged and won't deliver insulin, so the air shot ensures that the needle is functional and means that the number of units you dial up is the amount that goes in.
Injecting an air bubble into a vein would be a very different matter, but into the fat under the skin, it is no risk at all.
Thanks for that. Only low anxious days, i know I'm being silly but on days anxiety is heightened, you can't see through the anxious thoughts. But i will keep this in mind for future reference when I'm feeling out of control.
Not sure if you have Libre but if not, it might be worth asking about it as I think the Time in Range feature helps a lot of people to feel that they are succeeding when they felt like they were constantly failing with traditional BG targets.
I thought about suggesting Libre to assist @Jimmy2202 when he is concerned about whether hs levels are going too high or too low because it is easier to see the trends rather than a point in time and not knowing if I am, for example, 6.0 and my levels are rising or 6.0 and my levels are falling.
However, I know for some, the constant checking of levels can lead to further anxiety.
Playing "the numbers game" with ourselves is great if you are a numbers person but can be a mind field if you find mathematics scary.

Jimmy, I second the earlier comment from @nonethewiser to seek assistance for your anxiety. At the same time you can ask about Libre and decide whether it would help you.
Tips for combating anxiety?

This last few weeks mine has been crazy. The weird stuff that goes through my head that my body’s packing up and organs are failing - it’s ridiculous.

Sounds crazy but it’s real life.

Every time I’m waiting for blood sugar reading I’m a panicking mess.

After I eat food I think one minute I’m gonna get to low then the next minute I’ve told my self my levels are gonna be sky high.

Any advice?
Totally understand where you are I can be a total mess waiting for the reading to appear in fact I have to look away pray breath and calm myself before I look back at the reader. It does work but its hard work. As already suggested on here talking about it seems to help.
Totally understand where you are I can be a total mess waiting for the reading to appear in fact I have to look away pray breath and calm myself before I look back at the reader. It does work but its hard work. As already suggested on here talking about it seems to help.
Also I do have the most terrible thoughts of dread like the worst things ever are going to happen. It can be really hard to deal with.
@rebrascora @helli
Sorry I forgot to say that I do get the Libre prescribed - but I have the 1 not the second version so no alarms.

I found to begin with that the Libre was making me worse cos of the inaccurate readings, so I stopped using it for months.
But yesterday was my first day with it on again so I’ll see if it helps.
Also I do have the most terrible thoughts of dread like the worst things ever are going to happen. It can be really hard to deal with.

Yeah, today I was convinced I was having the start of a heart attack at work. Genuine. I FaceTimed the misses that reassured me I wasn’t lol
Yeah, today I was convinced I was having the start of a heart attack at work. Genuine. I FaceTimed the misses that reassured me I wasn’t lol
Yeah I get chest pain which comes from the anxiety too. At least she can calm you down!
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