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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi has anyone else been suffering from anxiety since being told of their diagnoses I’m really struggling to go out the house was diagnosed type 2 four weeks ago
What are you anxious about happening if you leave the house?

Are you on any medication for your diabetes or anxiety?
I’m on metformin 1 x daily and gliclazide only if bloods above 8 I check in the morning and dinner time I don’t think the gliclazide agrees with me!

I’m not on medication for anxiety I just get this awful fear going out and I need to try and get a grip or I’ll never lead an as normal a life as possible
Do you test your blood sugar when you feel the fear/anxiety @McGonaglep ? Sometimes anxiety can be a symptom of low blood sugar.
I’m on metformin 1 x daily and gliclazide only if bloods above 8 I check in the morning and dinner time I don’t think the gliclazide agrees with me!

I’m not on medication for anxiety I just get this awful fear going out and I need to try and get a grip or I’ll never lead an as normal a life as possible
What makes you think the gliclazide doesn’t agree with you?

Your diabetes medications shouldn’t impact your life and there’s no reason diabetes should affect anything you want to do (save for a few specific careers like driving HGVs or flying planes where extra checks may be needed).

Perhaps you should speak to the GP about the anxiety? Or self refer to your local mental health service?
Thanks yes I think I’ll need to speak to the GP and take it from there because I know it needs to be addressed thanks for your advice x
Metformin is known for more side affects than gliclazide. Anxiety is a natural reaction to such a change with diabetes plus high sugar levels can really mess with your head, I get so anxious and tearful with certain high carb or sugar foods.
Definitely update your dr either way, I take a beta blocker in slow release form for my anxiety, really helps and not addictive unlike many other meds used for anxiety.
Thank you I have an appointment on Wednesday just so much to learn about and it can be a bit lonely I’m glad we have this forum x
Are you aware of the helpline and learning zone for members? Might help if your not close to any local groups x
Are you having hypos, as when was on Gliclazide one of my hypo symptoms was feeling anxious when hypo?
Hi @McGonaglep and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, and that you've been feeling quite anxious recently.

It is quite understandable to feel anxious, as this diagnosis can seem overwhelming and challenging. I'm also glad you've been able to find the forum, as everyone is here to help and provide support for each other.

Getting emotional and psychological support from your healthcare team is part of your 15 healthcare essentials. This is the care and support you're entitled to when you have diabetes. More information about this can be found on our website here -

Please reach out again if you need, with any concerns or Q's 🙂
Thank you I have an appointment on Wednesday just so much to learn about and it can be a bit lonely I’m glad we have this forum x

Sorry to hear your diagnosis has triggered your anxiety @McGonaglep :(

It’s quite understandable - a diagnosis with a long-term condition like diabetes can feel quite overwhelming. Diabetes is a serious condition, but it’s also one that can usually be managed well with a few changes and adaptations - it’s something that you can learn to live well with, and it shouldn’t stop you doing things you enjoy.

Try not to be upset or disheartened about your diagnosis, many people on the forum later reflect that their diagnosis became a catalyst which prompted them to make positive changes towards a healthier and more active life. Perhaps changes that they had been intending to make for years!

Hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday.

Let us know how things go, and if it raises any questions that members here might be able to help with 🙂
Hi @McGonaglep and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, and that you've been feeling quite anxious recently.

It is quite understandable to feel anxious, as this diagnosis can seem overwhelming and challenging. I'm also glad you've been able to find the forum, as everyone is here to help and provide support for each other.

Getting emotional and psychological support from your healthcare team is part of your 15 healthcare essentials. This is the care and support you're entitled to when you have diabetes. More information about this can be found on our website here -

Please reach out again if you need, with any concerns or Q's 🙂
Hi I have type 2 diabetes and I suffer from mental health, and my emotions are all over the place, one time I am feeling happy and one moment I feel very sad, should I tell my doctor
Hi I have type 2 diabetes and I suffer from mental health, and my emotions are all over the place, one time I am feeling happy and one moment I feel very sad, should I tell my doctor
Yes, hope you don’t mind me replying but my mood changes are often a warning sign my sugar levels are off x
Hello, firstly I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling up and down @Rich43. We do believe it would be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor, or even diabetes care team, as they should be able to signpost to relevant services and help.

You are of course welcome to share your thoughts with the community here. However, if you were looking for more/further mental health support, then the forum on 'Mind' (the charity) website could be beneficial -*MTY5MDQ3MTE2Mi4xLjEuMTY5MDQ3MTE3Ni4wLjAuMA..

'Mind' is a charity with resources, such as a helpline, to provide support for mental health -
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