Antidepressants and Blood Sugar Control

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good afternoon Everyone

Was just wondering if anyone has had experience with antidepressants and it making blood sugar control harder? I'm on Citalopram 20mg been on it for a few days now have been on other ones before but this was prior to being diagnosed type 1. In the leaflet and on NHS website it does talk about having to monitor blood sugar more closely for the first few weeks. Main issue I'm finding is just my blood sugars dropping i catch it and raise it again. Made me a bit nervous with going gym later as normally levels rise when ive been gym but the other day they fell afterwards for the first time.

Hope the above makes sense 🙂
I take Amitriptyline and I have had a lot of nocturnal hypos since starting it, even when I reduce my evening basal dose down to zero. Thankfully it doesn't stress me particularly and I just treat them and go back to sleep, but it looks bad on my Libre stats.
I take Amitriptyline and I have had a lot of nocturnal hypos since starting it, even when I reduce my evening basal dose down to zero. Thankfully it doesn't stress me particularly and I just treat them and go back to sleep, but it looks bad on my Libre stats.
Yeah my libre yesterday with the triple dip didn't look the best. Without the libre I be wouldn't really know these are happening as the only symptom I get is the shaking hands. I've had pretty good control of late so in classic me style had me panicking abit still getting used to dealing with everything
It takes time to come up with new strategies to tackle these issues, so give yourself some time to figure out how best to deal with the issue now that you see a pattern forming.

I found the Amitriptyline changed my sleep and whereas before I was sleeping very deeply with no appreciable dreams, on the medication I get really vivid and weird dreams. I don't know if these are causing my brain to use more glucose whilst I sleep or because I am less stressed my liver output has dropped, but over the last 5 months I am averaging 8% below range, when for the past 4 years I have been between 3 and 5% below. My night time levels have always been the most difficult to balance as I need so little basal overnight and exercise during the day has a significant impact on my levels whilst I sleep, but it has definitely got more challenging. 🙄
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