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Is anybody here on antidepressant? If so, what's the name of the med and how long have you been on it? Does it work? How did you come off the med?

Everytime I see my GP, she recommends I should take one. So far I'm resisting it because I'm scared of the idea of mind altering medication. Any thought will be appreciated...

Is anybody here on antidepressant? If so, what's the name of the med and how long have you been on it? Does it work? How did you come off the med?

Everytime I see my GP, she recommends I should take one. So far I'm resisting it because I'm scared of the idea of mind altering medication. Any thought will be appreciated...


Hi KayC
Im on Seroxat 40mg (generic name Paroxetine), for me its the one antidepressant that works, i have been on it for nine months now. Its been a case of trial and error for me in finding one that works for me and I have been on most of the ones on the market.
Why are you worried about going on them? It is your decision in the end as to if you do go on one. If you are unsure about it do some of your own research about them on internet etc. being on an anti depressant is nothing to be worried about if you had some other illness you would take something for it

Web sites like crasymeds are great for unbiased info. Good luck in what you decide
Hi kayC i am on antidepressants too, have been for years now. I take Mertazapine 30mg venlofaxine 300mg and sulpiride 600mg. To be honest i cant cope without them and my psychiatrist says i will probably be on them for life. I hate the thought of this in one way because they have made me put on alot of weight ( 3 stones ) and i soooooooo badly want to be slim again. Sometimes i get so fed up with them and being overweight, that i just stop taking them. Then i just relapse badly and have to start again.
hi kay I m on sertraline 100mg daily and have been for 12years or so is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor stops my happy hormones leaving my body too quickly ....i wish they'd been around when i was younger as they would have helped a lot of my angst in my life ...I have no embarressment in taking them i just have an imbalance which needs meds and they work xx good luck
I am on Venlafaxine (Effexor) and I wouldn't be without it.. mind altering sounds so wrong like your taking LSD or something.. lol I have been on 3 types of anti-depressants over the years and I don't feel like my mind has been altered, I just know that I feel better and I am not constantly being pressured by the huge black cloud that sits above my head, other have black dogs etc, mine is a cloud.. there is nothing wrong with taking them, it doesn't make you a bad person, and you don't have to take them for life, but I know I will.
I am on Venlafaxine (Effexor) and I wouldn't be without it.. mind altering sounds so wrong like your taking LSD or something.. lol I have been on 3 types of anti-depressants over the years and I don't feel like my mind has been altered, I just know that I feel better and I am not constantly being pressured by the huge black cloud that sits above my head, other have black dogs etc, mine is a cloud.. there is nothing wrong with taking them, it doesn't make you a bad person, and you don't have to take them for life, but I know I will.

i had a black cloud !!!
Why are you worried about going on them?
Hi Gail
That's because I've seen too many tv programmes about side effects of Prozac...Maybe my knowledge about antidepressant is dated....I'll have a look at crasymeds. Thank you!

I hate the thought of this in one way because they have made me put on alot of weight ( 3 stones ) and i soooooooo badly want to be slim again.
Thank you, Casey,
Hmmmm this is a bit scary... I shouldn't put more weight as I'm a T2. That will increase insulin resistance....

I have no embarressment in taking them i just have an imbalance which needs meds and they work xx good luck
Hi am64,
I won't be embarrassed about taking antidepressant. As you say, it's a little correction to the imbalance of chemicals in the brain. It's great your med is working for you. Thanks for your input.

.. mind altering sounds so wrong like your taking LSD or something.. lol
Hi Squidge63
That's how Prozac was described when it came out (if I remember correctly..)
The black cloud is hanging over me as well, sometimes I can just ignore it, but other times I can't. Thank you for sharing.

It seems that there are many brands of antidepressant ....I think I should do reseach about them...🙂
Hi there Kay i have been on Prozac (fluoxetine) since i was 21 years old I was offered counselling first and i attended 3 but found they were not doing anything for me then i was offered anti depressents i did not want to go on them as i had heard horror stories of people becoming addicted, but i did and they have done me some good not 100% all of the time but they do there job.Id say in know way is they any shame about going onto them if they help then thats great, i agree with gail its all about trial and error, good luck with what you decide, cerrtainly dont let your GP pressure you about going on them its your body and your choice x
Hi KayC, anxiety and depression run in my family so I'm fairly used to the idea of taking anti depressants. I was on them for just over 3 years to help with anxiety. I came off the last lot cold turkey about a year ago.

I started off on Prozac, then went onto escitalopram (also know as cipralex, lexapro and a few other names), moved onto its sister drug citalopram which worked well for a while, then I switched to propranolol, a beta blocker, which I took for probably the most amount of time I was on anything. I moved back to citalopram for a little while before deciding to come off them cold turkey (which was really unpleasant).

I don't take anything for anxiety at the moment although the anxiety is still there. When I get down to Brighton I am going to request counselling as I'd rather treat the cause of anxiety than the symptoms, if that makes sense.

Could you ask for counselling before looking to go onto tablets? I know there was a long waiting list when I had a couple of sessions a few years ago as it was an NHS counsellour but it's always worth asking?
Is anybody here on antidepressant? If so, what's the name of the med and how long have you been on it? Does it work? How did you come off the med?

Everytime I see my GP, she recommends I should take one. So far I'm resisting it because I'm scared of the idea of mind altering medication. Any thought will be appreciated...


Kay, I can understand your reluctance I think - I felt the same way when my DSN recommended I took some. My problem was not directly linked to my T2 diabetes, although it was out of control at the time - not sure if that was why I was feeling so bad or the other way round!

I am going to describe my own experience as briefly as I can but forgive me if I ramble on a bit as I want to share this with you. Getting it all down in black and white is theraputic for me at least😉

My actual depression was triggered by a long term medical problem which in the cold light of day now seems trivial but everything came to a head causing lot of pain and I got frightened, started having panic attacks and eventaully hit a real low which was in fact a breakdown. I was in a very big black hole and eventually started on Cipralex (escitalopram) - I think I was not only scared for myself but also by what I could see what this was doing to my family - my Hubby and my son were so supportive, there are no words good enough to describe just how much they helped me. But, as the medics explained, things were going on which eventually disturbed the balance of the chemicals in my brain and I need something to address this. Put like that I accepted the help just as you woul take anti-biotics for an infection.

However, I did not like the stigma attached to taking the medication - I still feel uneasy about the whole thing, but that is probably more to do with the feelings I had at time, not the medication itself.

The Cipralex took 3 weeks to really kick in - the longest 3 weeks of my life. I couldn't sleep, day or night, was scared all the time and just not functioning. But gradually I got to see through the mist that surrounded me and with a lot of encouragement and patience started picking up the pieces and began to function again- simple thing like making meals, doing the housework. I had only been "out of action" for a couple of months but it seemed like a lifetime.

I was told that I had to stay on the medication for at least 6 months and then, if all the right signs were there, I could be weaned off. In that 6 months I was lucky to get the medical help I needed to sort out the source of the pain and I had a small op which put it right. As my health improved, I was desperate to get off the Cipralex and as soon as the 6 months was up, I persuaded my doctor to wean me off. All went well but, with hindsight, another month or two on them might have been a good idea as it did take me a couple of years and lots of long tearful talks with my Hubby and sometimes my son, to get my head round all that had happened.

I am now 5 years down the road and feeling fine. I do worry sometimes when I have a bad day, like we all do, that I might be crossing that line between being a bit low and clinically depressed. This never happens though-somehow the whole experience taught me how to recognise the symptoms and how to deal with them. To do this I did needed the guidance given by my wonderful DSN (she deals with the whole person, not just the diabetes), a lovely counsellor from the local mental health centre, my family and one or two really good friends. It is hard to let people know what is going on - many do not understand and some shy away - if they are good friends they will not judge and if they can't actually understand or deal with it directly, they will wait for you to come back.

I don't know your situation Kay - it might be totally different to yours, but I hope some of what I say might help you. In my situation this was not a quick fix - it was not a sticking plaster but a crutch to get me through the bad times until I got back on my feet. In my case the medication worked but if at all possibly you need to try and find the cause and deal with it. Accept all the help you can and try not to feel bad about taking the meds - you probably have enough going on to beat yourself up with with as it is😉

Best lof luck to you - I hope you find the solution you are looking for. One thing I would suggest is that you seek an appointment with your local mental health team - you will need to get your GP to refer you. Usually they have counsellors who have been through something similar to what you are experiencing - this can be a big help - as well trained as your GP might be medically, it is often the insight from another sufferer which can give you the support you need to make the right decision.
I am currently on prozac (fluoxetine)for anxiety and depression. I have a family history of anxiety and depression and have now been on it 3 times. The last time I had counselling with fantastic CPN who helped me incredibley. I honestly believe I would not have had the confidence to meet my husband without her help.

Unfortunately recently the stress related to trying to conceive and to improve my control before conceiving meant that I had a relapse and I am back on the prozac and seeing a psychiatrist at the hospital.

I think there have been times in my life when the medication has been essential, but I would now not take anti-depressants without getting some other sort of therapy too.
I was offered counselling first and i attended 3 but found they were not doing anything for me .......... good luck with what you decide, cerrtainly dont let your GP pressure you about going on them its your body and your choice x
Hi Steffie
I've attended 2 sessions of counselling and now I'm doing cognitive therapy thing online. But there is nothing I haven't already known.... So I'm not expecting too much from the treatment. I might try some meds after more research, that'll be my choice, not my GP's. Thank you for your input.🙂
Hi shiv, thanks for sharing your story, I will add my comments in blue:
I started off on Prozac, then went onto escitalopram (also know as cipralex, lexapro and a few other names), moved onto its sister drug citalopram which worked well for a while, then I switched to propranolol, a beta blocker, which I took for probably the most amount of time I was on anything. I moved back to citalopram for a little while before deciding to come off them cold turkey (which was really unpleasant).
It's good that meds worked for you and you eventually came off them. So you must've had a withdrawal symptom?? That's part of what I'm worried about...

When I get down to Brighton I am going to request counselling as I'd rather treat the cause of anxiety than the symptoms, if that makes sense.
That's what I thought, too. However, the treatment/Online counselling I'm currently on is based on a famous book on psycology I've already read! So I know what will come next. It's not working for me...
I came off them cold turkey, which is why it was so unpleasant. I did it without the guidance of a doctor - not something I would recommend at all. Literally one day I decided I was going to stop taking them. I got my fair share of withdrawal symptoms, but as I say if you were to do it under the guidance of a doctor they would probably a lot less severe, if they were there at all.

If you aren't happy with the counselling you're getting, ask to be referred elsewhere. After all, each counsellour is going to be different, so you may find a different one works better for you.
Hi thedame
You must've gone through a lot in your life. Thank you for sharing. I was a happy child, well-protected by my parents. But, in my 20s, some incidents hit me hard and since then the depression comes back when the life isn't good. On top of that, when I'm really depressed, I develop social phobia. I get scared of....(I'm reluctantly saying this) people. When the social phobia is at its worst form, I'm even scared of my own sister, who is my best friend. The online counselling I'm currently on is focused on social anxiety but not depression. As I said in my reply to siv, it's not working as the program is based on a book I've already read. My life isn't too good since last year, it's like a roller coaster which isn't going up but only going down! As GP says, it might be time I should take meds. I will do my research...
Like your family and friends, I've got a supportive husband, which I'm appreciate a lot.🙂
Thank you rachelha for commenting. Please look at my reply in blue:
I have a family history of anxiety and depression and have now been on it 3 times. The last time I had counselling with fantastic CPN who helped me incredibley. I honestly believe I would not have had the confidence to meet my husband without her help.
If you don't mind me asking this.....Do you have any perticular object to feel scared of? For example, some don't like going to open space....for me, it's people, I'm afraid of people I know very well. Strangely, I'm OK with strangers!

Unfortunately recently the stress related to trying to conceive and to improve my control before conceiving meant that I had a relapse and I am back on the prozac and seeing a psychiatrist at the hospital.
Good luck with your try! I haven't got kids so cannot give you advice though.

I think there have been times in my life when the medication has been essential, but I would now not take anti-depressants without getting some other sort of therapy too.
I agree with you.
hi ya

i am on fluoxetine and have been since october, had a bit of a mini breakdown i think and got referred to counselling as well as anti depressants, the counselling did help with other issues but not my diabetes unfortuantely, still in denial about the diabetes thing. as for the anti dperessants, DO NOT GO COLD TURKEY ON THEM!!! every time i have tried to wean myself off them i found myself to become really aggressive and beginning to feel like i did last year (on the verge of ending everything). the good thing about them is that it hasnt changed me into a zombie or anything and that was what i was afraid of.

counselling is good for some people but it just wasnt for me (got referred to the Priory), give it a go and see how you feel

Hi siv and hellbell84
Thank you for warning against going cold turkey. I haven't decided if I will take meds yet as I'm still doing my reseach, but if I decide so, I will definately remember what you two said about coming off the meds. 🙂
If I'm not missing any, this is the list of med names you all gave me:
Venlafaxine (Effexor)
Prozac (Fluoxetine)
Escitalopram (Cipralex, Lexapro)

It's like a tongue twister ! I can't even pronounce some of them, let alone remembering them!:D
I've often thought that drug makers must have to take a special course to learn how to make up ridiculous names! Worst one I've ever come across is thiazolidinedione! 😱
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