Antibiotics and dexcom

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So it's not listed as known interfering substance on dexcom the website. But I have found posts from people online saying that that while taking antibodies it seemed to affect their dexcom readings.

I'm on antibiotics at the moment oI have found at least withen a certain number of hours of taking them it effects my dexcom one readings generally readings higher then a finger prick when at others it's usually really close

I just thought I'll put hereto make hereto make others aware in case it effects them too(athough I have casually mettioned it in other posts)
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So it's not listed as known interfering substance. But I have found posts from people online saying that that while taking antibodies it seemed to affect their dexcom readings.

I'm on antibiotics at the moment I have found at least withen a certain number of hours of taking them it effects my dexcom one readings generally readings higher then a finger prick when at others it's usually really close

I just thought I'll put hereto make hereto make others aware in case it effects them too(athough I have casually mettioned it in other posts)
@rayray119 - it is possible that you are joining the wrong dots.

Normally we are prescribed antibiotics (abx) because we have a specific ailment. That ailment can and usually does cause medical stress, because your body is fighting whatever is medically wrong with you. It would be quite normal if you also, possibly, simultaneously have emotional stress from feeling poorly, or frustration with being ill, or just the hassle from being ill.

Stress, whatever the physical cause, is well known to be a cause of BG change, mostly raised BG. Various hormones trigger releases of glucose from hormones; Glucagon, Adrenaline, or Cortisol can be the main hormone culprits. Some abx can also alter BG, but by no means always.

So I would expect the changes you are seeing are more likely from stress responses, rather than from an abx that doesn't include changing BG in its declared side effects. I invariably specifically ask whoever is prescribing any abx for me to check that the abx is fully compatible with my medical circumstances, including my insulin dependence.
@rayray119 - it is possible that you are joining the wrong dots.

Normally we are prescribed antibiotics (abx) because we have a specific ailment. That ailment can and usually does cause medical stress, because your body is fighting whatever is medically wrong with you. It would be quite normal if you also, possibly, simultaneously have emotional stress from feeling poorly, or frustration with being ill, or just the hassle from being ill.

Stress, whatever the physical cause, is well known to be a cause of BG change, mostly raised BG. Various hormones trigger releases of glucose from hormones; Glucagon, Adrenaline, or Cortisol can be the main hormone culprits. Some abx can also alter BG, but by no means always.

So I would expect the changes you are seeing are more likely from stress responses, rather than from an abx that doesn't include changing BG in its declared side effects. I invariably specifically ask whoever is prescribing any abx for me to check that the abx is fully compatible with my medical circumstances, including my insulin dependence.
No I meant well comparibg to q figer prick as stated below.
one readings generally reading higher then a finger prick when at others it's usually really close

It wasn't moan at the tech or anything I just wanted to make others aware as I said I can see from post elsewhere online others have found it too.
@rayray119 - it is possible that you are joining the wrong dots.

Normally we are prescribed antibiotics (abx) because we have a specific ailment. That ailment can and usually does cause medical stress, because your body is fighting whatever is medically wrong with you. It would be quite normal if you also, possibly, simultaneously have emotional stress from feeling poorly, or frustration with being ill, or just the hassle from being ill.

Stress, whatever the physical cause, is well known to be a cause of BG change, mostly raised BG. Various hormones trigger releases of glucose from hormones; Glucagon, Adrenaline, or Cortisol can be the main hormone culprits. Some abx can also alter BG, but by no means always.

So I would expect the changes you are seeing are more likely from stress responses, rather than from an abx that doesn't include changing BG in its declared side effects. I invariably specifically ask whoever is prescribing any abx for me to check that the abx is fully compatible with my medical circumstances, including my insulin dependence.
Sorry i just reread you're post I think miss understood what I was saying I was saying they have seemed to affect the acurencey of the dexcom readings(and others. Online have found the same with there dexcom products). Not that the antibiotics were having impact on the blood. Sorry this isn't a criticism but can you explain what made you interpretate it that why I know others have said sometimes be unclear but this time reading my post I can see specifically metoned dexcom readings reading higher than a figer prick while on them so I may be missing something? 🙂

As I said it was just to make others aware in case because they may not if it affects their cgm readings if they hadn't checked 🙂
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Sorry i just reread you're post I think miss understood what I was saying I was saying they have seemed to affect the acurencey of the dexcom readings(and others. Online have found the same with there dexcom products). Not that the antibiotics were having impact on the blood. Sorry this isn't a criticism but can you explain what made you interpretate it that why I know others have said sometimes be unclear but this reading my post I can see specifically mtioned dexcom readings reading higher than a figer prick while on them so I may be missing something? 🙂

As I said it was just to make others aware in case because they may not if it affects their cgm readings if they hadn't checked 🙂
Ah I see I forgot to put on the dexcom website in my frkst statement of the post I edited that now. 🙂
No I meant well comparibg to q figer prick as stated below.

It wasn't moan at the tech or anything I just wanted to make others aware as I said I can see from post elsewhere online others have found it too.
So my apologies for slightly misunderstanding. I probably didn't read it thoroughly. But I think my response does inadvertently address your point.

Because of medical or emotional stress our BG is being affected, (usually). Those actual BG changes will probably be more irregular and that in turn could / would bring about a consequential mismatch of BG and interstitial glucose. The sensor's and app's ability to use the hidden algorithms to convert the "behind the scenes" electronic interpretation of a chemical reading (my presumption about how the sensor might be working) into something closer to actual BG as shown on a meter or app screen is dependent on reasonable steady state circumstances - which aren't necessarily there when you are ill.

I struggle to believe an abx can influence a sensor and Dexcom unilaterally. Dexcom is reflecting turbulence arising from illness; the fp is just a momentary snap shot and the 2 are less likely to be in harmony constantly when illness has joined the game.
So my apologies for slightly misunderstanding. I probably didn't read it thoroughly. But I think my response does inadvertently address your point.

Because of medical or emotional stress our BG is being affected, (usually). Those actual BG changes will probably be more irregular and that in turn could / would bring about a consequential mismatch of BG and interstitial glucose. The sensor's and app's ability to use the hidden algorithms to convert the "behind the scenes" electronic interpretation of a chemical reading (my presumption about how the sensor might be working) into something closer to actual BG as shown on a meter or app screen is dependent on reasonable steady state circumstances - which aren't necessarily there when you are ill.

I struggle to believe an abx can influence a sensor and Dexcom unilaterally. Dexcom is reflecting turbulence arising from illness; the fp is just a momentary snap shot and the 2 are less likely to be in harmony constantly when illness has joined the game.
This is even iIf it's staying study you do search online you will see others saying the same. there some actually some other medications known to affect these things.

Like i said it was said it was at criticism to the tech at all(as it works so mush better to the libre did with me). It just simply to saying "hey you might want to be aware of this". People can take it how they like and decide weather they want check for for themselves in these circumstances or not 🙂 I thought maybe it would helpful to say.
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This is even iIf it's staying study you do search online you will see others saying the same. there some actually some other medications known to affect these things.
I find online searches can be misleading in themselves. I still struggle to accept that these medically approved devices somehow are affected by abx - when your actual BG is not, or not noticeably so. Considerable research and testing underpins the final product and the medical approval process would at the very, very least have required CGM manufacturers to include this apparent side effect in their documentation. My instinct remains that the "others" are also joining the wrong dots.
Like i said it was said it was at criticism to the tech at all(as it works so mush better to the libre did with me). It just simply to saying "hey you might want to be aware of this". People can take it how they like and decide weather they want check for for themselves in these circumstances or not 🙂 I thought maybe it would helpful to say.
I have no difficulty with you being helpful to others and offering this thought. I, in turn, offer my explanation.
I find online searches can be misleading in themselves. I still struggle to accept that these medically approved devices somehow are affected by abx - when your actual BG is not, or not noticeably so. Considerable research and testing underpins the final product and the medical approval process would at the very, very least have required CGM manufacturers to include this apparent side effect in their documentation. My instinct remains that the "others" are also joining the wrong dots.

I have no difficulty with you being helpful to others and offering this thought. I, in turn, offer my explanation.
Well say it is has seem to have an effect with me but apparente your thoughts 🙂(I suppose are times they could be other things in the background effecting it) athough there things I noticed that have ocuured it being the antibiotics as I take am only taking two a day. Quite far apart
Well say it is has seem to have an effect with me but apparente your thoughts 🙂(I suppose are times they could be other things in the background effecting it) athough there things I noticed that have ocuured it being the antibiotics as I take am only taking two a day. Quite far apart
There are for me many times when actual and interstitial don't fully agree, even though I'm increasingly happy with the consistency and relative accuracy of my G7. I can even have moments when actual is above interstitial and very soon after its the other way round - which is initially puzzling and potentially confusing.

Whenever this disparity occurs I can invariably relate that back to something that has been caused by me, whether it was forgetting that I still had iob, or not making sufficient allowance for exercise 36 hrs ago .... and so on. There are just so many other things going on that some turbulence is totally inevitable.
There are for me many times when actual and interstitial don't fully agree, even though I'm increasingly happy with the consistency and relative accuracy of my G7. I can even have moments when actual is above interstitial and very soon after its the other way round - which is initially puzzling and potentially confusing.

Whenever this disparity occurs I can invariably relate that back to something that has been caused by me, whether it was forgetting that I still had iob, or not making sufficient allowance for exercise 36 hrs ago .... and so on. There are just so many other things going on that some turbulence is totally inevitable.
I understand that but even allowing for that there still seemed to be difference it I'm how it behaved withen a few hours having taking one. I'm only been taking two a day one in the morning and one in the evening.
I understand that but alloeong for that there still seemed to be difference it I'm how it behaved withen a few hours having taking one. I'm only been taking two a day one in the morning and one in the evening.
But I too am happy with with the gernal accency of dexcom one
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I wonder if it is the other way round and it is the antibiotic affecting the reading on your monitor rather than it being the Dexcom being affected.
There was something about a particular antibiotic causing a problem with some makes of monitors, though that was a few years ago.
I wonder if it is the other way round and it is the antibiotic affecting the reading on your monitor rather than it being the Dexcom being affected.
There was something about a particular antibiotic causing a problem with some makes of monitors, though that was a few years ago.
Oh that's interesting I just looked it up and found an article about acuacheck meters flausly reading low with some antibiotics so if it happened with them it's possible for other makes of meters to be affected I hadn't thought about that.
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