Anti-GAD and Consultant Appointment

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA

I was diagnosed type 2 last Nov, sugars have been all over the place even with diet and metformin control.

Just had Anti-GAD and Peptides tests and result have come back as 20 for Anti-GAD (other test not back)

anyone any ideas what the result reflects, they did talk to me about having LADA, can anyone explain??

Confused and seeing the consultant tomorrow - just want to be prepared

thanks in advance 🙄
Hi, LADA is Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults. It's a kind of slow failure of the pancreas to produce insulin, and so it's not always easy to distinguish from Type 2 diabetes - is the problem that the beta cells in the pancreas are dying (being killed off by the body's immune system - Type 1), or is the body happily producing insulin but encountering resistance (Type 2)?

That's just a simplification. The anti gad test, I believe helps to distinguish between the two disorders, a positive result means LADA/Type 1. I suspect that I was LADA as I had symptoms of diabetes for two years prior to diagnosis - my pancreas finally shut down production when I caught a virus and developed ketoacidosis.

Hope this helps a little, and good luck with the consultant!🙂
Hi sankey46! I was diagnosed LADA last month and found Wikipedia to have some useful information:

I am 29, average height and weight (maybe a little on the slimmer side) and just diagnosed. I was put on medication straight away - only a small dose of a drug called Diamicron (30mg MR Tablets). One a day with breakfast -they're slow release and stimulate my beta-cells to make more insuline. I also test my blood sugar levels three times a day (approx) mainly before eating - but when I want to learn more about how different foods affect me, I also test two hours after eating those foods.

The Nurse said 1.5 patients usually turn to Type 1 within a couple years but everyone is different - one of her other patients was still going on the tablets after 4 years. So hopefully with healthy diet and exercise I can delay my Type 1 diagnosis as much as possible.

I don't think there are a lot of people diagnosed with 1.5 but it's becoming more common as Dr's understand and learn more about it.

Good luck with the consultant tomorrow - let me know how you get on!
yeah do let us know how you got on sankey x

oops i can see by the date of the thread it has been and gone a while back
yeah do let us know how you got on sankey x

oops i can see by the date of the thread it has been and gone a while back

Yes sankey - are you still out there? What happened? We're all turning blue here holding our breath in anticipation!😉
oops, that my fault (newbie error probably!) I just searched for posts talking about LADA and this came to the top so I assumed it was recent! But I'm really curious to the results!

Sankey, if you were confirmed as a LADA you'd probably be able to give me some insights!
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