Anti depressants

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i've been feeling really down since xmas, but now i'm suffering with anxiety.. when i was feeling down i was eating things i shouldnt and been suffering with thrush as a result of high sugars - so that made me down too, so decided i had to get on top of control and for some reason i keep getting bad anxiety attacks and cant think straight about my diabetes just want it to go away!! i was on anti depressants about 2 yrs ago and i think it did help but at the time i also changed my job for the better so not sure it was coz of that too. Anyway i keep going thru phases when i feel i need the anti depressants then think no i dont, i have to deal with this for the rest of my life
Does anyone else feel like this and do ppl go on anti depressants coz of their diabetes getting them down?:(
Hi Chez sorry to hear your having a tough time, I think some people in here are on anti-depressents some say it works others dont i guess its personal choice, for me i was put on prozac but this was 2 years before i was diagnosed it was completely unrelated to diabetes you see.Do you think going to your gp and telling them how your feeling will help you i think alot suggest pills but sometimes the old fashioned talking therapy goes along way, this time around my depression is being treated without anti -depressents and apart from the odd blip now and again i think its going ok.I did try councelling and for a while it did work but i just found it worked for a short time but i still had the same thoughs and feelings when i was leaving the room.I think the best thing for you to do is see your gp see what there opinion is and take it from there

Good luck ,take care xx
Hi Chez sorry to hear your having a tough time, I think some people in here are on anti-depressents some say it works others dont i guess its personal choice, for me i was put on prozac but this was 2 years before i was diagnosed it was completely unrelated to diabetes you see.Do you think going to your gp and telling them how your feeling will help you i think alot suggest pills but sometimes the old fashioned talking therapy goes along way, this time around my depression is being treated without anti -depressents and apart from the odd blip now and again i think its going ok.I did try councelling and for a while it did work but i just found it worked for a short time but i still had the same thoughs and feelings when i was leaving the room.I think the best thing for you to do is see your gp see what there opinion is and take it from there

Good luck ,take care xx
The thing is i'm too embarrassed to go to g.p.. coz i feel after 4 yrs being diabetic i should be better!!
Talking helps, so come here as often as you like. We all have a different perspective and different ways of dealing with things, so we will all have different ideas. As Steff says, depression is not always diabetes related.

Pills work for some and not for others. Follow medical advice with the pills. I hope you feel better soon.
The thing is i'm too embarrassed to go to g.p.. coz i feel after 4 yrs being diabetic i should be better!!

Theres no time limit to put on this kind of thing hun theres diabetics out there who have had it 30+ years and still at times cant manage alone and need help, dont feel embarrest hun xx
Thank you for your kind words.. the first thing i have done is told my close friends and a work colleague i'm not coping to well at the moment - which has helped as feel i dont have to act like i'm okay when i'm not.. its just a release to tell them xx
Thank you for your kind words.. the first thing i have done is told my close friends and a work colleague i'm not coping to well at the moment - which has helped as feel i dont have to act like i'm okay when i'm not.. its just a release to tell them xx

Thats good Chez you have already done more then i ever did , i found it impossible to open up to anyone and it remained that way until i had some kind of breakdown while sitting having a bath one night and o/h rushed in and said whats up i was swaying back and forth and tears where streaming down my face , and then from that night on my other half turned into a power of stenght for me, you will find if you tell people they will understand better then you think.And you know all of us are here for you in the bad times as well as the good xx
Yes, I was on them for a few months till the doctor took me off because they might make me put on weight. I'm not coping too well without them and, like you, I'm struggling to stick to the diet and wishing it would all just go away. I'm using my volunteering and working for the DiDkA Campaign as a distraction and it's working because I'm doing something useful. My family's attitude doesn't help, as far as they're concerned, I did this to myself, if it weren't for the support of my OH and friends I'd be completely alone in this.

Do you have anyone to support you off the forum? I suggest maybe you talk to the doctor about getting some help, whether it's pills or counselling. Our mental state is hugely important in the fight against this blasted disease.
Yes, I was on them for a few months till the doctor took me off because they might make me put on weight. I'm not coping too well without them and, like you, I'm struggling to stick to the diet and wishing it would all just go away. I'm using my volunteering and working for the DiDkA Campaign as a distraction and it's working because I'm doing something useful. My family's attitude doesn't help, as far as they're concerned, I did this to myself, if it weren't for the support of my OH and friends I'd be completely alone in this.

Do you have anyone to support you off the forum? I suggest maybe you talk to the doctor about getting some help, whether it's pills or counselling. Our mental state is hugely important in the fight against this blasted disease.

i do have support at home, my other half helps me a lot - he is always saying your too hard on yourself etc.. and he can totally understand how i must feel. My family our good too so all in all i do have good support.. like tonight my cousin is making me go round to her if its only for an hour to try and take my mind off my self.. i sometimes need that kind of push otherwise i would never go out!
Sometimes I feel I can't cope on my own and that no one else undestsnads me. Then I end up arguing with everyone in sight and falling out with people because I feel no one understands and everyone is against me. After a good bawl I am OK again. We all have different ways of dealing with it, and none of us are alone. Don't feel embaressed about seeing your doctor if you need to, it's your health.
Sometimes I feel I can't cope on my own and that no one else undestsnads me. Then I end up arguing with everyone in sight and falling out with people because I feel no one understands and everyone is against me. After a good bawl I am OK again. We all have different ways of dealing with it, and none of us are alone. Don't feel embaressed about seeing your doctor if you need to, it's your health.

Thanks Caroline - at least i dont feel alone!
Thanks Caroline - at least i dont feel alone!

You're welcome. I have found this forum a big help as I know I can talk freely and someone will help and be supportive!
Hi Chepez I am on anti-depressant (prozac for anxiety and depression). I think I was suffering from both of these before being diagnosed but having the D as well definitely makes thinks worse at times. Don't feel you should have it under control as you have been diagnosed for 4 years, it is a very complicated thing emotionally and practically to cope with. I think we all go through phases of being ok and other times it all just gets on top of us. I am naturally a comfort eater so my first instinct when stressed is to stuff my face with stodge which then just leaves me feeling even worse. I have just about got this under control but it is so difficult.

Please go and see your GP there may be other treatments you could try apart from medication e.b. cognitive behavioural therapy. I know some people who have done this and it has helped them immensely.

You are not alone in this at all - big hugs Rachel
Hi Chepez I am on anti-depressant (prozac for anxiety and depression). I think I was suffering from both of these before being diagnosed but having the D as well definitely makes thinks worse at times. Don't feel you should have it under control as you have been diagnosed for 4 years, it is a very complicated thing emotionally and practically to cope with. I think we all go through phases of being ok and other times it all just gets on top of us. I am naturally a comfort eater so my first instinct when stressed is to stuff my face with stodge which then just leaves me feeling even worse. I have just about got this under control but it is so difficult.

Please go and see your GP there may be other treatments you could try apart from medication e.b. cognitive behavioural therapy. I know some people who have done this and it has helped them immensely.

You are not alone in this at all - big hugs Rachel

Thank you Rachel - your right i have been thru phases where im ok but i dont know how its happen just a gradual thing i guess, it gets on top of you for sure.. i think coz i'm 36 next month i was thinking about babies - and it just got to me, i feel i can just about cope with myself without thinking of pregnancy etc.. decided against that idea for now. I will see how i am this wk if no better will go and see G.P
Hi Chepez im on anti ds as well in my case itd because i have to be due to bi polar and borderline personality disorder. i to go thou phases where im ok then theres the times i just wanna stuff my face and it is hard when you wanna comfort eat but you know it will just b***er up your sugar levels. I have done CBT and its great has helped a lot its something i would recomend to anyone. Good luck in whatever you decide to do
Hi chezpez. I too have recently been put on a course of anti depressants. I have struggled with feelings of depression on and off since I was about 13 (I was diagnosed at 11, I'm not sure whether or not the two are linked) and have tried a number of things to get through it. Recently, it all got a bit too much, I cahnged GPs and my new doctor encouraged me to try them short term to kick start a positive cycle and to help me stop feeling like my blood sugars were impossible to control. His take on it was that if I generally felt a bit more positive my diabetes wouldn't seem like such a mountain, I'd be able to get my levels under better control which would make me feel more positive and then I'd be able to come off the tablets and have a more positive outlook naturally due to better control. I have been on them for about 3 months now and while I saw no improvement to begin with things are looking up and I feel a lot more positive, plus my blood sugars are slowly improving. I don't feel anxious and worried all the time.

Beginning the course was a huge thing for me. I've said no to anti depressants so many times before. But I was getting to the point where I felt I had tried everything else and was at the end of my tether! One thing I have noticed though is that talking about it all has actually become easier recently and that in itself is a therapy - but something I was unable to do before because it all just felt like too much!

You are not alone though. And this place is brilliant. Always so much help and support to be found here!
Hi chezpez. I too have recently been put on a course of anti depressants. I have struggled with feelings of depression on and off since I was about 13 (I was diagnosed at 11, I'm not sure whether or not the two are linked) and have tried a number of things to get through it. Recently, it all got a bit too much, I cahnged GPs and my new doctor encouraged me to try them short term to kick start a positive cycle and to help me stop feeling like my blood sugars were impossible to control. His take on it was that if I generally felt a bit more positive my diabetes wouldn't seem like such a mountain, I'd be able to get my levels under better control which would make me feel more positive and then I'd be able to come off the tablets and have a more positive outlook naturally due to better control. I have been on them for about 3 months now and while I saw no improvement to begin with things are looking up and I feel a lot more positive, plus my blood sugars are slowly improving. I don't feel anxious and worried all the time.

Beginning the course was a huge thing for me. I've said no to anti depressants so many times before. But I was getting to the point where I felt I had tried everything else and was at the end of my tether! One thing I have noticed though is that talking about it all has actually become easier recently and that in itself is a therapy - but something I was unable to do before because it all just felt like too much!

You are not alone though. And this place is brilliant. Always so much help and support to be found here!

Hi there! i think i'm gonna have to go to the doc's coz it hard to think positive about the big D.. i just didnt want to go on them again, as feel every few years i'm gonna have to keep going on them - it cant be good for your system
I have been on medication in the past, but really found that therapy helped me. Talking about things and working through everything really changed things. It wasn't really about my diabetes for me though, of course diabetes gets me down at times and still does, particualry a few weeks ago when I had my 10 year anniversary.
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